Regret By Chloride : Typical Challenging Shooter

Review by 7grant2 on Sunday, February 24th 2013
Click to play Regret

Regret is a game created by chloride

You may have noticed I didn't beat the game, but I was right beside the final crystal before I died, so I will assume thats good enough.

Flow of Gameplay

This was extremely choppy and not consistent. Let me take time to explain my worst pet-peeve in all Sploder Games - immediate killing traps or traps that end the game. Their only purpose is to aggravate the player. There are two of them in this game and that is two more than enough. These traps immediately stop gameplay and force the player to restart unfairly for no reason other than to be there.

2/3 teleporters in the beginning were not necessary for the game at all. The trap can be removed as well as the "health room" that takes more health than it gives.

That aside, I played this game with 2 tactics. First off was Guerrilla Warfare: I had to send in bots then immediately run away to conserve health. I use this tactic when games are too difficult to be beaten with casual gameplay, in fact, I had to play this game around 10 times before getting near the final crystal. Inching my way across this game is painful, time consuming, and I found really bothersome for this game. Also another random tidbit for the beginning - those electric tanks served as much of an annoyance since the corridors are so narrow.

I will call this the "final" part of the game since it took me the least amount of time - with such little health entering an area with a huge amount of enemies I had to use my second tactic of Rushing; run in, get the crystal, evade all attacks, keep moving. I also spammed the last of my bots during this time to make sure I didn't get hit. To my surprise, this was a change and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The final bit of mud, though, was my coupe de grace as a Mogura killed me, but I would have had to resorted to Gureilla Warfare again to complete the game (as well as go through the rest of the inching game).

The game itself seems to lack a solid foundation of what it really wants to be expressed as. It must be played carefully, yet, it seems to want the player to go about things a lot faster than that.

Now for some crunchy numbers.



Game Structure

Enemy Placement: 4/10 : Aggravating but provides a challenge

Map: 4.5/10 : Generic

Aesthetics: 2/10 : I don't expect much scenery-type looks from shooter games, this game isn't different from a lot of others.


Difficulty: 8.5/10 : Will likely take several attempts

Flow: 5/10 : Inching forward yet has its moments.


Replayable: 3/10 : Got close to beating it and thats enough.

Impact: 3/10 : Too generic to have significant impact on the forums or main site.


Fun: 4.5/10

Its not a terrible game, but its not amazing either. Personally, I would love to see a game like this focus on either an intense gameplay, even if a bit slow, as well as execute fast-paced action scenes a lot more often. The difficulty is too much for relaxed gameplay and makes it aggravating (maybe a bit more health opportunities?), but its star moment was in the Helicopter pad area. This game should take 3 minutes with its map structure but really ends up lasting 6 minutes after trail/error.

If you were wondering why Fun is the overall score of the game, I believe that the primary objective of every game is to be Fun, within context.