Jomatt's Game

By apprentice340 :: Sunday February 21st, 2010

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HeLlo JoMaTt99, I aM apprentive340, At SerVicE wITh JiGsaWhAckEr, YoU ArE Not CleVeR, InDeeD yOu ArE noT, I Am GoInG tO Set YOu StRaiGhT, OnCe aNd For All...i HaVe TeStEd THiS GaMe For HoUrS AnD MaDe SuRe ThaT It is PoSSibLe To BeaT THiS GamE For A CeRtAiN TiMe... So JoMaTt...Do yOu WaNT tO PlaY A gAMe? YoU HaVe 2 MinUtEs And 45 SeCoNdS To BeaT ThiS GamE, If You Do Not SuCeEd, You WiLl bE HacKeD...GoOd LuCk....YouR GoIng To NeEd It...