Trumpelion Is Pizza's Trump Card.

Review by babybuster4ever on Thursday, August 11th 2011
Click to play Trumpelion

Trumpelion is a game created by pizzaman1

Dang, I stink at making review titles lol. Anyway, today imma review Trumpelion By Pizzaman1. I remember playing this game a Millenia ago, and loved it to bits. I still do.This game is a timeless game and one I am sure will be played for a long time. Anyway, this collab between Pizza and Brockeh has to be something special. And it is! :O


This was amazing. The placements were perfecto, from the mortars to the weak blocks. This game is also excruciatingly difficult. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if hardly anyone even got the blue key. Shayminlord789 is the only user out of over 1000 to have defeated this mountain-sized challenge of a game.

Sadly, power ups were scarce in this game. This fact lowered much of Sploder's Population's gameplay time. Most under a minute. This rendered many people unable to see the true joy of this wondrous game, which brings a frown of sympathy to my normally grinning face.

Another thing which ruins this otherwise perfect game, is lag. You, on the other hand, might not lag at all. I lag into oblivion. This, of course, lowers my chance of winning due to the fact that my computer also often because unresponsive.

This game, I would say, is more action than puzzle, which is what i like. If you like puzzle games but not action, then might possibly be why you don't like this game. But I am currently under the impression that most people would like it, no matter what their preferences are. In other words, this game is a labour of love.

___Pros and Cons___:


Great Placements

Takes action to the Extreme

More difficult than trying to divide by zero

Collaberation of some of Sploder's finest shooter creators

There are only 2 cons (:D)


Lag (for me, anyway)

It's like the famine of powerups


(Yes, the prospect of me giving Pizzaman advice on his Trumpelion series does seem kinda dumb, doesn't lol)

Try and take it easier on the Turrets and Mortars, K?


The start, the can hide and snipe the disruptors and weak block without getting hit or even activating them. Try and make sure that doesn't happen again.

That's about it lol....

___Scores on the Doors___:

Action: 5/5

Lag: 4/5

Powerups: 1.5/5

Placements: 5/5

Overall: 4/5

This was a great game.

Also, yey first review in almost 6 days lol


Trumpelion Reviewed by babybuster4ever on Thursday, August 11th 2011. Trumpelion Is Pizza's Trump Card. - A game review written by babybuster4ever for the game 'Trumpelion' by pizzaman1. Rating: 4