Bwasty's Reviews: Nolan's 'Classic SMB'

Review by blastoiselatias on Sunday, January 2nd 2011
Click to play Classic SMB

Classic SMB is a game created by nolanalexanderhunt

*Pre Game Thoughts:* Well, a Sploder version of Mario, hmm? Now, I've seen this a lot of times before, remaking the same level, so I know what to expect, nothing special. Let's hope I'm proven wrong. Maybe there's a twist or something. Time to find out.

The Review:** Well, the game starts off in standard fashion. A smaller version of a Mario level. A minute sees you through this bit, mindlessly attacking enemies and jumping to get crystals. Meh. There's one pipe to go down, which leads to a bunch of coins, but you have to go down them anyway, as you have to collect the crystals to complete the game, so there's no secrets to find or anything. Once you finish the first 'level' you get to a cave level, much like Mario games, as this is a Sploder Mario game, so yeah. This part of the game was a bit better designed, but, still, nothing particularly exciting or new. One part of the 'level' sees you swim through some randomly placed energy beams. Yes, it makes you have to time your movements well, but it just looks messy, and the water overlaps. It doesn't matter too much, but it kinda looks like it was just chucked together. And on a part where you have to break some sandblocks from an elevator, the elevator doesn't go close enough to the wall, so you end up falling down to the spikes, waiting for the elevator, hitting some more as you fall down, then riding it back up, so by the time you destroy them, you're dead anyway. >.>

Either way, you go back and forth, climb over a few things, get zapped, defeat a few more enemies, then you're done. The game wasn't too hard, although the 'traps' made it a bit harder, but they weren't exactly amazing, and had all be done before. Overall, a fairly mediocre game mixed in with an idea used many times before.

*Summed Up:* A classic Mario level, Sploder-ized to begin with, but spoiled by the fact so many games have done this as well. Next, a small game with a few paths to go on containing a few traps and enemies, and not much else. Finish. yey.


Creativity: 3/10 - A copy of a Mario level in the first half, with only the second half of the game containing any new stuff, all of which had pretty much been done before.

Puzzles & Traps: 3/10 - All done before, and look a bit messy. Not too great.

Action: 2/10 - Just a few enemies dotted around the place. Nothing special

Design/Scenery: 4/10 - Not all too bad, as the game is based to represent Mario, so I guess it's correct.

Fun: 3/10 - Not too fun to play. A few frustrating bits, but not too hard. Just jumping around for the whole game and occasionaly using the sword.

OVERALL SCORE: 12/50 - Mediocre game with reused traps. OK, but it'd be better if there was actually something new in the game.

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Classic SMB Reviewed by blastoiselatias on Sunday, January 2nd 2011. Bwasty's Reviews: Nolan's 'Classic SMB' - A game review written by blastoiselatias for the game 'Classic SMB' by nolanalexanderhunt. Rating: 1.5