You Will Be Petrified

Review by chowder119 on Monday, November 8th 2010
Click to play Petrify

Petrify is a game created by enzo186


Creator: Enzo186

Genre: Action/Challenge

Difficulty: Hard


The thumbnail looks great, and it is featured, have to check this out.


The first part of the game is already hard and when you get deeper into the game it gets harder. I like the art it is great and a bit repeative. The enemy placement is perfect because, it's one of your advantage on beating this game, but I would recommend the drones to help you out on the first part. I like the first part because of it's nice scenery, action packed, challenging, and more.

The second part I like the switch poly trick and the enemies on the second level. The healths are on good placement because when you needed a health there's always in there. The level is the same but much longer and harder. To beat this game you need to be stealthy, wise using of drones bombs and more. I like the second part because it is challenging, addicting, action packed, and requires stealth.

The third part which will be the last. The key spiders are trapped and they can't move around the arena. The spider and the enemy cruisers are the main hazards here. The switch poly trick is great because it's deceiving to other members. This is my favorite part because it's tricky, challenging, action packed, and a good enemy placement.

I wouldn't doubt that this game have been featured because, the game itself will tel you why. I like this game because it is simple, challenging, addicting, action packed, and a great scenery.


Puzzles and traps:__/____
Enemy placement:_____/_


Great game Enzo, keep it up.


Petrify Reviewed by chowder119 on Monday, November 8th 2010. You Will Be Petrified - A game review written by chowder119 for the game 'Petrify' by enzo186. Rating: 5