[MR] Random Game Title? Then Random Review Title. Hi, It's Another Review From Creatingames!

Review by creatingames on Tuesday, April 26th 2011

This is [MR] where you might just find a miracle review.


Now, this was manurthebest's second featured game, and after playing 'The Amazon Rainforest,' I was looking forward to playing. Recently, I noticed manur private most of his games, so this should be one of his best games.


Welcome to my twenty third review and nineteenth [MR]. Today I'll be doing a review on a random platformer game called... 'A random platformer game.' Hmm. Very unusual name, so there for, it would probably be a fun game to enjoy. Anyway, with a bad title, is there a storyline...? *NO!* This doesn't sound like a very good start, and I think there needs to be a point in every game. I don't think you should just make a random game with no storyline. It just sounds a bit boring. Now lets take a look at this game.


It looks okay, no enemies, but not sure about the spikes straight away. I'd accept something like hot blocks in the thumbnail, but not something you can lose a lot of health from like spikes. From the thumbnail, I had a feeling that level was going to be a puzzling one, and I was right. I'd explain why later on in the review. It doesn't have much scenery in the thumbnail though, which is mainly what attracts people to play the game. Oh yeah, and the thumbnail looks random as well as the title. Gears in background, switches in blocks tiles and a ladder to jump on to, you can't get more random than that, can you? I'm starting to think manur has got a nice title now.

Beginning of the Game

I was wrong, the beginning of the game wasn't just random, it was different as well. I like to see games different than others, so thumbs up for the Man. United fan at the beginning toady then.

Puzzles and Traps

Now I noticed both puzzles and traps in this game. Some were good some were bad. Some were obvious some weren't obvious. So some of the traps were great. Manur has placed in a trap in level four where as well as the switch made the burst tile disappear, a c l o s e r appeared as well which you wouldn't expect. It was sort of frustrating as well, but that's what I like to see from traps. Same with puzzles, one mistake and you've lost some health in some of the puzzles. Puzzles and traps were good, not great, so next time, manur just needs to make some less obvious for example I knew you had to drive the car towards the ninjas, so maybe next time, if you want that to happen, maybe place in the ninjas more further away or something.


Now it's time for enemy placement. This was good, manur could do better with the enemy placement. I didn't like how some of them were all bunched together but apart from that, all the other enemy placements are fine as they are at the minute. Next is the health placement. This was good, you grab health just when you need it, not all the time, because you might get some when you've only lost half of your health. There weren't any times that I noticed where you lose health just to get health straight way though. I think that the puzzles and traps make the game more challenging than the placements though.


Action, the final aspect I'm going to talk about in this game. This wasn't bad, there were a few times you weren't really doing anything just waiting for the next thing to do, but it is a fun game I'd say.


Frustrating Puzzles and Traps.

Good Placements.

Fun Game.


Bad Title.

Enemies Bunched Together.

Some Health Placed Early.

Ratings (Out of Five):

Puzzles and Traps: ___/_____
Placements: ___/_____
Action: ___/_____


Overall, this game deserves a 3/5. Altogether, this was a good game and I'm looking forward to see if manur can have more of a better game next time from hopefully, help from this review.

This has been a miracle review!


A random platformer game Reviewed by creatingames on Tuesday, April 26th 2011. [MR] Random Game Title? Then Random Review Title. Hi, It's Another Review From Creatingames! - A game review written by creatingames for the game 'A random platformer game' by manurthebest. Rating: 3