[DRS] The King Must Live!

Review by dudki on Wednesday, October 16th 2013
Click to play King Aegon

King Aegon is a game created by jackjoshseb

Game: King Aegon

Maker: jackjoshseb

Type: 3D Algorithm Crew

Introduction and pre-thoughts

The 3D creator on Sploder is mostly what you would call, an unfinished game-maker. Since it's release in 2010, there have been no updates to it whatsoever, disallowing our ability to get creative and continously come up with new neat tricks. Or has it? Even nowadays, we are still seeing 3D games waiting for you on the featured page every once in a while. Some people have had the ability to create something new and exciting, even with such a limited creator. It's amazing to see how much we can actually create out of that creator, granted it's so small. King Aegon, a game by jackjoshseb is among one of these creative 3D games, and in this review, we are going to be finding out why.

First things first, the thumbnail. It didn't really catch me eye I have to admit. To be honest, it's very hard to make an awesome eye-catching, mind-exploding thumbnail, so I don't blame JJS for this. So, why did I play this game then? Well, I'm sad to say that it was only because it was on the featured page that I ever considered taking a go at it. 3D games usually don't interest me that much, and even though it was by JJS, who I know makes great games, I didn't know what to expect, since it was his very first attempt.


You play as King Aegon of the Teiziam? Taiziam? Teaziam? I have no idea how to prunounce the name of that empire but apparently this king is a big deal here. Obviously since he's the king. This storyline was excellent. It was nice to finally see something new. Something that moved away from the typical find and retrieve, or kill the boss stories. King Aegon also wasn't as story-heavy as I thought it would be, but JJS managed to still keep it somewhat interesting. Most 3D games tend to put you up with A LOT of text all the time, and it can get boring after a while, so it was nice to see that.

King Aegon featured plenty amounts of action throughout. Some levels had more than others, but JJS made sure to add a few enemies every once in a while so you wouldn't get bored. On top of that, it was also balanced perfectly, so that you wouldn't find it being either ridiculously easy or IMPOSSIBRU! That made sure not to give people the biggest challenge of their lives, but just give people something to do while progressing through the game.

King Aegon had plenty of puzzles throughout. One of the things that I find is very hard to do with the 3D creator, is to make great unused puzzles. That being said, King Aegon featured plenty of puzzles that we haven't seen before. Most of these puzzles uses several glitches, and they can really get you thinking. It was absolutely brilliant, the fact that JJS was able to create so many great puzzles in King Aegon. I must commend in on that.

The visuals were very appealing to the eye. JJS made sure to add new tiles and decorations for almost each room and level you went into, which gave you a sense of progession. There isn't many scenery options to make in a 3D game, but I do think that JJS used the options he had well.

The placement in this game was spendid as well. Honestly, I didn't find anything bad about it. Each room had the right amount of space for you to fight in, and enemies were spread out nicely, making sure that they wouldn't walk around into each other, forcing you to fight all of them at once. The placement was also a very crucial aspect for many of the puzzles, so obviously it has been done well.



Gameplay: Amazing gameplay. King Aegon introduces so many different things for you to do.

Action: Good amounts of action. Not too hard, nor too difficult.

Puzzles: Great use of puzzles in King Aegon.

Visuals: The game looked pretty. Work has clearly been put into it.

Placement: I found the placement brilliant. Everything looked good.


Yup. I found absolutely no cons in this game.


Gameplay: 4.3/5

Action: 4.6/5

Difficulty: 3.1/5

Puzzles: 4.7/5

Visuals: 5/5

Placement: 5/5

Creativity: 4.5/5

Overall: 4.6/5

So, that's it. We've gone over the game, and I am happy to announce that this game earns a score of 4.6/5 in Dudki's Overall Awesome Game Rating Score. King Aegon was a pretty exciting 3D game, and definitely one of the best I've played in a long time.


Indeed it is. King Aegon has not only been featured, but also been suggested, and passed EGL voting, and I honestly can't say I disagree. King Aegon is a great game, and it definitely deserves at least five minutes of your precious life. It's worth it.


King Aegon Reviewed by dudki on Wednesday, October 16th 2013. [DRS] The King Must Live! - A game review written by dudki for the game 'King Aegon' by jackjoshseb. Rating: 4