This Game Proved The True Greatness Of The Algorithm Creator.

Review by gamekid2011 on Monday, November 25th 2013
Click to play Secrets II

Secrets II is a game created by dudki

Creator: Dudki

Type: Algorithm Creator

Reviewer: Gamekid2011

We are live in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Today on sploder review news, I have just found out that the bold title above is a trademark from a show called iCarly (according to my cousin) and we are getting sued. Back to our main story, we bring the third review Secrets II by Dudki reviewed the reviewing reporter: reviewer gamekid2011. I like the word 'review'. Anyway...

Before we came to the scene of the game...

Before I started playing this game, I thought it would be like a story based game like Spellmage's game. Also, I thought it would be one of them Algo's where the puzzles are the same boring ones you see in every Algo. However, I always like to play an algo game every now and then so I decided to check it out. The thumbnail didn't look too interesting but the level design looked neat and tidy. Not like my brother's room.

The Game-playyyy

Firstly, I liked how you literally had to baby-sit your partner, I found it quite amusing. The timing of your movement is key. Make one wrong move and it's time to press the refresh button. The space of the level was very well used. Therefore, most parts of most levels had interesting action. I experienced no lag at all, excellent... I just said 'excellent' in Mr.Burns voice, did you?


Now, I really think that Dudki make good use of conveyors and walls, I mentioned it in the game-play section. I recall saying: "Make one wrong move and it's time to press the refresh button." I was referring to the placement of the walls and the conveyor. The conveyor acted as a snagger to pull you towards the wall and not let you out. There was also the typical drone appearance. Not very surprising as it is included in pretty much every algo. Carrying on now...


This game had a fair amount of difficulty. Not the kind of difficulty where I'd rage and throw my laptop out the window. The type of difficulty where it makes me determined to finish the game. If I don't complete after 5 times of playing it, I use the sources that I have for the review and write it :)


I did find a few puzzles in this game, I don't include the type of puzzle that is already pre-made in the creator - No, no, no. I mean the type of puzzles that get you think properly. For instance, The crate puzzle: always a fun one if you know how to set the crates properly, make it challenging but not annoying. I like to see crate puzzles with an enemy to take you on as you try the crate puzzle. I also found few other puzzles, my favourite was hiding switches behind places you cannot see.


This game had features that I have never seen before, I really like that. I especially liked the neatness of the scenery and how all the hazards and enemies were placed. I also like the trap placement.


Game-play: _____/_____

Hazards/Traps: ____/_____

Difficulty: ____/_____

Puzzles: _____/_____

Scenery: ____/_____

Creativity: ___/_____

An astonishing 25/30. "The secret of this game says that the proof of the true greatness of Algorithm creator was in the game all along" ~ Dudki.

Feature worthy

Two simple words: Hell Yeah! Nuff said.

Back to you, studio.

So this algorithm was truly one to remember, make sure you go and play it for yourself; it will be a perfect way to spend 20 minutes of your life.

(Finally, I'm sorry for making a mistake on the review before. I know I could've edited it but I wanted to make it look as new without any negative comments.)