Energy, Some Brilliant New Mechanics!

Review by jackjoshseb on Saturday, April 28th 2012
Click to play Energy

Energy is a game created by defensified

Energy by Defensified

Energy, a game of mechanics not thought of to this day. Years of the Shooter creator, but never something like this. We know Mrdragon as one of the best Classic Shooter makers on this website already, but something special in this may change how Shooter's are made for a long, long time. Mrdragon used his alternate account for this spectacular game, he's been using it a bit in recent times actually, some new concepts in and around his previous game and Energy was no different. Before I drift off talking about this new phenomenon, let me begin my first Review in a long while, my 19th to be literal. Energy by Defensified will be the game as you may've gathered.

The Shooter Creator for a lot of us seems dry on new puzzle items, we see the same puzzles used throughout each and every game. As this unfolds the puzzles don't even seem like puzzles any more, a lot of them being around for more then 3 or 4 years. Mrdragon seems like a guy who's creativity isn't running dry any time soon, working on amazing and new mechanics never thought of as I've mentioned, I've seen a fair bit of Mrdragon's finest work and through his Hype all over the Forums I got that feeling inside of me, that this would be something better then his previous encounters and accurate attempts. It was a hugely hyped game and I was one of the lucky ones, probably in the top 3-5 people who tested the beginning when we were given this opportunity. I didn't expect anything like it, nor did I understand it at first. As time wore on Mrdragon gave away some screen shots of the game, some walk throughs of this unfounded mechanic in the beginning of the game, and the whole game in general.

Many calls were "Shooter of the year" by probably the greatest Shooter makers in Sploder history, tookewl. "One of the most unique starts I've seen in a shooter and the game does have some unique sequences." by Youngcaliman, a Lieutenant with not one of his games not holding a spot on the Featured games page, and a lot more hype, "You're the god of the Shooter creator", by Jakey101. The game got Featured within minutes, by Myownself (not me, the member, one of our latest Lieutenants!). Nobody could wait for this new game, I'm sure you all can't be bothered waiting any longer to hear my actual Review on Energy, so here we go!

The game begun with an amazing sequence, well, I was amazed by it. I'd seen a preview of this, but playing it again just made my mind wander into depths wondering how much work and creativity it'd take for this, maybe not so much for Mrdragon as he's been doing many mechanics for years now, but it still amazed me. It starts off with a nice message, unusual and strange if you don't know what's happening.. "several seconds to wait, don't take the bait", there was the hot polygons and regular polygons switching on and off while alternating to create an effect of a ring swinging around you, or more accurately, a spark of energy rotating around. You'd have to be cautious about not taking the bait, I won't reveal it to you, but it'll definitely confuse you if you haven't seen the walkthrough. Something also included was the use of those hot polygons, immediately effecting your health bar, not as much as most starts, but in a more fun, and creative way.

The sequences that take place after the beginning were quite good too in my opinion, not so much a puzzle, but a direct follow up of numerous switches unleashing mad turrets should you roll over them in your space craft, of course this area is made more difficult by a Reverser, possibly pushing you into those traps, it was a matter of positioning and effectiveness to eliminate the Reverser without losing health. You'd have around 40% of health remaining, on average by this stage and Energy then provides some health, small health, mind you, but in a triplet. What I did like about the zone that took place hereupon, was an invincible tank, that's right, the tank was invincible and covered by rocks, though still being allowed to connect with that lazer.

Mrdragon (I know him as Mrdragon, so you may've gathered that I'll be calling him that, not Defensified in this Review) keeps the intense moments going, in that area of the tank contained some magnets clawing you in, you'd have to use a few of what you held as weapons to take away the magnets. You'd be faced with 2 choices, left or right. Left had a free passageway, right was blocked by a nitro that you could shoot down keeping some distance away. One way would decide on your continuance of the game, or failing your mission. Mrdragon included one of his most used puzzles in Energy, including a few disruptors and a Bugmeister, I quite like that puzzle, yet another of Mrdragon's work.

Energy continued a great storyline throughout the game that I enjoyed to stop and read, in most games I skip past the text, but I actually made an effort to read it all, for my curiosity was too much. The game was quite short, only taking a couple of minutes to complete, but the quality of the game was amazing. The dialogue played a nice part and matched up with some mechanics used. The look and feel of the game was good, the look seemed how I pictured it, the grey, but not dull playing field and just the feel the game had to it when I was playing it.. addicting. Mrdragon excelled in a very nice new work of mechanics to create a nice effect in the beginning (and later in the game too, may I add), which may revolutionise the way intros in Shooters are made forever, leaving open many more puzzle options for members inspired by this, to find out themselves.

Final Scores

Gameplay: 9/10

Creativity & Addictiveness: 9.5/10

Puzzles: 10/10

Placement & Design: 9.5/10

Worthy Of An EGL Placement?

Energy was suggested for the Epic Game Library and I do in fact believe it's worthiness meets the standards, and for I voted a yes for it, for many reasons provided in this Review and more. I think I'd love to see this in the Epic Game Library and it's faring well with it's chance.

I appreciate your reading of this Review, I haven't written one in a while, so I hope you can forgive me if I'm a little rusty, well, a fair bit rusty.


Energy Reviewed by jackjoshseb on Saturday, April 28th 2012. Energy, Some Brilliant New Mechanics! - A game review written by jackjoshseb for the game 'Energy' by defensified. Rating: 4.5