[EGD] "Yep, It's Just That Good!" Wait - Hold It Right There...

Review by jackjoshseb on Saturday, November 10th 2012
Click to play Aerials

Aerials is a game created by 559369

I'm here again, Reviewing the 3rd last EGD game to review (of those that were entered into thee official reviewing EGD thread). This is my 8th EGD review for EGD 6 and my 30th total! =)

Aerials is a game by 559369, I know 559 as a cool guy, pretty chill to talk to on the forums but he's been a bit inactive recently. I don't really rate him as a really good game maker, this was just his 2nd feature and truth be told if it weren't for EGD, I'm not sure this would've been featured (because of the reasons stated further in the review).


The gameplay is nice, it's completely lag-less for me except for a couple of areas which keeps the gameplay smooth. It's not the greatest though, the action scenes were a little boring and not intense, there were few puzzles and 559 seemed to go overboard with the art. Occasionally the ship was forced to go through mudpolys for no apparent reason at all, why? It just slows you down and doesn't make any sense to me.

Alright, onto that action that I said was too easy. 559 never throughout the game displayed an intense action scene that was even any difficulty. You could pass most of them by stealth shooting with your gun, bombing the enemies or sending in your bots, even going in FIRIN' MAH LAZORR was too simple. I'd recommend next time making larger rooms, with perhaps magnets dragging you in to an intense action scene with multiple enemies surrounding you all at once; because the action in this game was far too simple.

There were barely any puzzles in this game at all, a few here and there that are overused and that we've all seen before. They're alright, but if you want to make a really good game, come up with NEW puzzles or add in your own style to make something all new. It got a bit dull going through the game with no real puzzles, fighting a spider, killing a turret, it just goes to show even poorly executed action games need puzzles to add that sugar and spice and everythin' nice.

For what it's worth, the enemy placement was okay, just not enough enemies to be real action.. They were placed well, not much more then that but enough to decrease your health a little with 2 or 3 enemies, rooms never really exceeded that though which is the downfall, and you don't lose much health. Speaking of health, there was way too much, placed to early. Yeah, a lot of it was hidden, but it's not that hard to uncover the health packs, just shooting down a few enemies? Need to make it harder then that.

The scenery... scenery? In a shooter? Don't see that every day, I guess I'll talk about the art; it was way too overused. Personally people overrate art, it has no effect on the gameplay, some members do it well (Jcaldwell for instance, one of the best at it) but others not so much. When the gameplay is lacking, you might want to spend time fixing that up rather then trying to make up for it with art. It's distracting, too.

Aerials isn't very creative, I've seen it all before to be honest. Having said that it isn't the worst game in the world, I can see 559 put in a lot of effort, just didn't execute it well enough. For an average gamer, it'd be mildly challenging, but that's it. I will say, however, it is pretty fun, it's got no lag, it has at least that going for it.


Gameplay - 3/5

Action - 2/5

Puzzles - 1/5

Placement - 3/5

Difficulty - 2/5

Fun - 3.5/5

Total: 3/5


If it weren't for EGD, I don't think this would've classed as feature worthy, the action was average, puzzles were minimal etc. I did like this game, just not that much, it is pretty fun but 559 could have done more with it.

Note: I do understand this game was a little rushed, his original EGD entry got a bug and wouldn't load (the same that happened to me) so he threw this together so he could still be a part of EGD, evidently, it's not the best game out there.

JJS out