.:|WD|:. Rev's Rev (Revenge's Review).

Review by jawdatchristophe on Friday, March 11th 2011
Click to play Revenge

Revenge is a game created by manurthebest

This will be a Well Done .:WD:. Review. Just a little note before starting, Manur, you always use the same tiles in your games. Not cool, man, not cool -__-! NO DESIGN POINTS 4 U!


I was asked to review this game many times, and it has already 3 reviews *looks back at the game*, sorry 2 reviews, so it certainly is good. But I really don’t know why it was called revenge… Maybe it’s because of what’s in the description? Nobody knows…


Now, I have to start this with an “O.O”… Believe me, I played like a million games on Sploder, I never saw anybody using a puzzle as clever as this one. How did manur figure it up? I truly don’t know. You find yourself in front of a big yellow fat mutant, and you can’t run away because of an orange wall. “I see the switch, but how can I reach it?” Well, the mutant will do it for you! When he dies, his body will touch it and you will continue the game. Oh god, another puzzle: My friend manur placed the crusher so you HAVE TO lose health if you want to continue… O.K., easy… DONE! Oh, a crystal, just in front of me. I’ll take it. And here, I realized that this game should’ve been called “A puzzle of puzzle”! Manur (THE best) calculated everything to the second so you get to pass the cl0ser just before it closes! Next comes an extremely hard puzzle -_-… 3 switches, one boxhead, and a game to win… If you hit one of the switches, you’re a dead boxhead. It took me 3 hours to pass. Hell it was hard *remembers good times*!

O.K., time to press “ENTER” in the review, so I can introduce… THE FIRST FLAW! *Everybody claps excited*. Manur (Yes, yes, manur THE BEST, the one and only, stop asking) put two snarly to protect some grenades you need to continue your journey through the “mansion-of-boxhead”. But why? Why do that? That, my friend, had a negative effect on your game. Well, let’s go up to the cave ins. Oh mother, it’s like you grouped the flaws in one place? Have you been continuing your games at 2 A.M. again -_-? The flaw is *drum roll**everybody stops breathing*THE LAVA PIT! Why did you use this nooby trap? WHY? T-T… Anyway, where was I? *reads the review again* Oh, there…

After that, you get in a long tunnel limited by turrets, nice touch here, Manur… And the last interesting puzzle here: You should try to pass a crusher upside down! Pretty cool, huh?

Now, the rest has a pretty monotonous gameplay: You teleport just to pass some easy traps, some lava pits, some enemies… Thumbs down pO.Oq…

Final scores /10:

Enemies’ placement:_________/__________
Powers-ups’ placement:__________/__________

Revenge Reviewed by jawdatchristophe on Friday, March 11th 2011. .:|WD|:. Rev's Rev (Revenge's Review). - A game review written by jawdatchristophe for the game 'Revenge' by manurthebest. Rating: 4