[JR] Hey! I Made A Game Like This

Review by lordeldar on Tuesday, May 17th 2011
Click to play Angry Birds

Angry Birds is a game created by markark

So this is my 8th Review. Today I'll be Reviewing Angry Birds by markark and the Title is True! I made a Game named "Tower Killer" which is pretty much the same (Only better as it was by me and 200,000,000 Times more Feature Worthy (Lol))


Angry Birds, Tower Killer, Angry Birds, Tower Killer. Similarities? I think so! If this Game is anything like that (And I've read stuff about this Game so I think It is the same) It's gonna be good, but I've never Played anything from Markar so I don't know how good it'll be


Eeek, it looks good. Decent Scenery/Traps. It looks like a Good Game, and hopefully it is going to be (I'll leave the COmpetition behind until the end of the Review) I'm looking forward to it


Mostly all been played before (And in my case made) although one thing did catch my eye. The Skill that I discovered I had while Playing this, the Skill the Game Requires. And there is a cool Feature that markark beat me to. Breakable Walls (Even though after this Review I was gonna make something with these) These are an amazing Feature that can really make Games hard. So, it's great Gameplay


*Evil laughter* Nothing really eye catching here, except the Brick Walls in Level 2. Although Maps did Vary in their Scenery. So, after a few Sentences we have a Conclusion. Scenery wasn't great, I advise you to improve your Scenery, it's funny what could happen


All about the Block Placement, I wish I never mentioned Blocks. My Reviews would be so much Better. But Blocks would have to be Placed well for this Game to be good, it's what makes the Game the Game.

Power-Up Placement is Pointless and same with Health here

Enemy Placement, The Enemies are placed so well that the Game Requires skill. Something not many Games Require these days

Puzzles & Traps

Everything is a Puzzle! Too much Skill! *Goes crazy* Just kiddin'. Nothing here really is a puzzle, it's just a jest of skill really, not much to talk about again. So, what are you guys doing? I'm writing a Review. And Traps, not much apart from Brick Walls that make you think they can be removed.

In A Sentence

A Copy of my Game, only with less Views then Mine and Mine's bigger


Good Gameplay

Requires Skll




Got beaten to it by me!


Action: 7/10

Addictivenes: 7/10

Awesomeness (Gameplay): 8/10

Difficulty: 8/10

Placement: 7/10

Puzzles & Traps: 3/10

Time: 4/10

Lag: 9/10

Scenery: 5/10

Overall: _______/__________

A fun Game and great Competition. Keep it up!


Angry Birds Reviewed by lordeldar on Tuesday, May 17th 2011. [JR] Hey! I Made A Game Like This - A game review written by lordeldar for the game 'Angry Birds' by markark. Rating: 3.5