An Awesome Game!

Review by minerva on Sunday, April 17th 2011
Click to play Stumble 2

Stumble 2 is a game created by creatingames

Pre Thoughts

I played many games of Creatingames and they always turn out really good. His games are always platformers, I think he is much better at making platformers because he just got this one featured and was his first featured game. His games are always good since when he just joined, and I think most of his games are feature worthy, especially this one. Also this title of this game reminds me one of Staylor’s awesome games he has. Ok, is this game going to turn out perfect, or not? You could find out, if you read on!

Every game needs to have enemies, and I saw many bats in the beginning of the game flying around. But if you’re thinking, he did have good enemy placement. Basically, he added just three groups of bats and so on, but it wasn’t bad enemy placement. In fact, it was good. This game is really good; it also has its description to its game. Creatingames doesn’t write the beginning of the description and I’m going to summarizes what he said and he says that you have to just collect two of the crystals and you will get out of the terrifying place.

Creatingames surprised me with his decorations. His decorations were outstanding. His decorations blended with the blocks, and made it difficult to see because it was dark. But he did add a torch, but it was still difficult. I also like is that Creatingames adds a level door, and keeps the player thinking “Oh! There is a next level”? I thought the same thing, but after you finish the game, it turns out that there is no next level, but just a door. After all, he did add many cool and wonderful decorations throughout the whole game.

Also, I saw better things throughout the game and it was traps. Traps are my favorite things I like to see in a game. Traps in this game wasn’t half bad, but was fine. Although I saw him repeating his traps, but these traps weren’t hard or easy. It was mixture of hard and easy. I saw him repeating it once or twice but it was lava and above it was a weak block, so if you step on it, you will fall off into the lava. So this trap you had to be really fast. You couldn’t tell if you were going to die or not, that’s why this trap was my favorite. A glitch I saw, while going over this trap was that the bat kept pushing me and caused me to stay on the weak block, and it will make me start all over! Another trap I saw was when I was collecting a crystal and when I came back, I saw a trap door, so then I thought I was supposed of collected this crystal last.

Also, I saw something that wasn’t that perfect. Health placement was a mixture of good and bad. If you go to the right in the beginning of the game, you have to destroy a bomb, and cost you half of your life. But, after you keep on going, you see an extra life. So it wasn’t a waste of time because you earn an extra life. But I also didn’t see many. I think this was the only life I saw. What I didn’t like was that if you die, you won’t receive the torch anymore. So it’s going to be dark and you have to see through your radar.

My favorite part of this game was the traps in this game. His traps were really awesome but repeated. I think his traps made me lose most of my life. Also, I forgot to mention is that I saw a trap that almost appears in most games that I play, was when I was in the game and it was really dark and I collected a grenade and then I got stuck on the wall, but luckily, I glitch out. Ok, let’s see the scores!


Decorations: 10/10

Traps: 8/10

Enemy Placement: 7/10

Health Placement: 5/10

Overall: 4/5

I think this game did turn out brilliant. This game had a lot of action and had several of traps. This actually deserved to be featured!


Stumble 2 Reviewed by minerva on Sunday, April 17th 2011. An Awesome Game! - A game review written by minerva for the game 'Stumble 2' by creatingames. Rating: 4