I've Seen This Before....wait...

Review by myownself on Monday, June 10th 2013
Click to play Diverse Times

Diverse Times is a game created by mat7772

It's me again, after a long break from the world that we call sploder. I felt the need to write another review after a certain somebody said that I inspired his review app.

When I first started play this game, I though, "Wait one gosh darn second! I've seen this before." I'm good friends with youngcaliman and this game reminded me of is Pong series. (You can find them in the EGL)

As I continued to play I saw that it was more of an ode with its own special twists. You have sepearate colors as you do in the other game, BUT, all the pushers work against each other. Some go up while others do down, and others go left when some go right, thus creating some fresh puzzles.

I do have a confession though...I never beat the game. Don't shoot me though! I go far enough to know the game. I had no reason to continue bashing my head when I had enough to go off of. I will probably go back to this later and try to beat it. I love a good challenge!

Now, if you're looking for a ppg with fancy graphics, don't expect that out of this game. (This is no Liamnight game) For the most part, this game was simple and easy to look at. It didn't have to many graphics, but it didn't have a lot to where you had sensory overload going. The one thing I would suggest is using something custom for penalty spots instead of the default skulls. It made the game look a little tacky.

And now! It's time for THE SCORES

Puzzles: ____/_____

Headbashability: 100/10

Rocked my socks off: ___/_____

Graphics: ***/***** (Because it didn't hurt my eyes)

So was is really feature worthy?

Yes, of course. This game isn't the best out there, but if does provide a great challenge, and is simple enough to where anybody can enjoy it!