Pizza Reviews: Read Dead Redemption - Callumwrexham2

Review by pizzaman1 on Saturday, June 12th 2010
Click to play Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption is a game created by callumwrexham2

Game: Red Dead Redemption

Creator: Callumwrexham2

Game Type: Shooter (Not 3D)

Time: N/A

I won't give too much away to those who haven't played it.

Seemed a cool game to begin with. Four possible paths but only one that you can go through. Shortly after the beginning, you enter a room with a large arrow pointing to the left and the word "ENTER" across the top spelt in polygons caught my interest. I foud this artistic and very original considering few games contain this. There are a few easy-to-kill enemies that lead to another room with another arrow pointing left, with mortars on top. This time, the polygons spelt out "HALLWAY". A few shooting enemies get in your way next, followed by a snake of weak walls. There's a way to do these quicker, but like I said to start with, I'm not giving too much away about the game, you'll have to play it for yourself.

You take a tight turn so that you are playing up the map now as you head to another room, saying "CRY", as something to remember throughout the game. I like how the map colour of brown just sinks in and just works against the enemies.

I'm not a great game player so I only had a small amount of health left. D: Anyway, there are a few more enemies stacked so that the last enemy in that stack chases you while the rest just shoot you. I like the balance of enemies that chase you and enemies that shoot stuff at you. I think Callum really thought about this game in the time that he was making it. You can just tell, Bravo Callum!

I couldn't make the review that long considering I didn't get far into the game.


Enemy Placement: 9/10

Difficulty: 8/10 (Despite it being a 10 difficulty rating)

Map: 8/10

Originality: 9/10

Lag: 10/10 - Meaning no lag.

Feature? Already has been. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Average Score: 8.8/10

Percentage: 88%

Star Rating: ____

This game has been reviewed by Pizzaman1. :)


Red Dead Redemption Reviewed by pizzaman1 on Saturday, June 12th 2010. Pizza Reviews: Read Dead Redemption - Callumwrexham2 - A game review written by pizzaman1 for the game 'Red Dead Redemption' by callumwrexham2. Rating: 4