[STAR] We're Hunting For Vipers!

Review by probe5 on Sunday, April 29th 2012
Click to play Venom- The Viper

Venom- The Viper is a game created by demonhouse


Good day mates! My name is Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter. This week, we're in the sploder region hunting an extremely rare, extremely dangerous Poisson..Farrell..Viper. I've been tracking it for several hours now, and it's in it's cave, but I warn you folks, one bite and it'll send you right to the hospital, but don't worry, I'm a professional, Uh-oh, it seems his cave is filled with traps and puzzles according to my thumbnail drive in my backpack. The only person responsible for this such viper's cave is none other than demonhouse. Now according to his profile, demonhouse is a rare sploder animal, that is also smart with puzzles and such, he's also kewl. This is going to be challenging but don't worry folks, I'll tell you everything in a basic review about the cave, no worries. Uh-oh, CROCI, He's got me jugular! So long folks, I don't think I can hold him much longer!

Main View

Did you all like my Overview? I was waiting for a game like this, since I discovered it. Irwin is a good croci hunter, unfortunately for him he died, so this is just a tribute too. Now, let's get this review started! As you can tell, it has an interesting concept. You're hunting a Viper, preferably a snake, but there's an interesting cave filled with an interesting game, oooh what fun! At least that's what the voices in my head told me. -Voices in my head occur- You, shut up! -throws brick at them- Now, where were we? Oh yes, not only did it have a great concept, but it was rather addicting, took me many tries, but I fairly got far enough. to come up here and give my review. So I guess this game is pretty addicting, considering I don't like shooters that well.

It has a good plot and here it is: "Having been a naturalist for your whole life, you go exploring for the deadly Viper. This is no ordinary Viper, in the legend, the Viper is a shadowed beast that feeds on people. Fame and fortune is given to the person who captures the Viper. As your walking, you encounter the Viper. It's hungry. It's chasing you. You have chances of surviving and now you must make your escape." Well this sounds like a job for you know who! Lol, it's a nice plot for a shooter. The voices in my head say that it would've been better if it was a plat and I kind of have to agree with them for once. It could've been like my Riding the Snake game where at the end of Vemon- The Viper, you could ride out the snake at the end, now that would be much MUCH better. Now with that being said, I can actually talk about the inside story of the game.

I love the scenery in the game (although you can't do to much with that in the shooter creator xD) The green texture, grass green to be exact, and other really pretty things that I couldn't think of the name for it, because I am utterly too lazy to look it up. It had good design too, and art that amazed me in some parts of the game. There were some different spots of color every now and then, it's nice to have something different every now and then, like having different Zelda weapons or different Pokemon moves that CAN SWEEP A HAXOURUS. Anyway, design was just that good. x)

Placements were cool, but I was having trouble. Block placements just annoyed the devil out of me, mainly because of them pushie things, I kept getting stuck on them almost every single time. ._. The obstacle were set fairly and that's how I like it. =). Otherwise, block placements were fairly decent, but could have done better. Enemy placements were good, considering the tanks and disruptor attacking me making me not being able to move. I must say, them pushers and those tanks and disruptors put together was a great combination, and I would have never thought of it. Other than that, it was expected. There were some useful health placements and thank goodness too, because the voices in my head were very sick, so I'm glad we got that settled. xD Anyway yeah, good health and some useful weapons for me and the A-team, but they pitty the small space provided in the ship, but we only blame geoff for that, lol.

There was some good puzzles here and there. Nothing to go gaga over or anything. There is an interesting puzzle at the end, but only you can figure that one out. Seriously, you have to, because I have no clue of what type of puzzle it is. Traps were also good, especially those arrows. They hit me right in the knee, get it? Probably not, anyway, traps were like puzzles, good in some spots. Now I'm not a big fan of puzzles or traps and I know I said not to go gaga over this, but the puzzles and traps are actually good for once (Considering it's my first time playing a real shooter) and it amused me in some ways, very nice job demon.





-Puzzles & Traps

-Block and health placements


-Enemy placements

(Nothing else, impressive)

Scores out of 5

Placements: ___.5/_____

Design: ____/_____

Addictiveness: ____/_____

Puzzles/traps: ___.75/_____

Plot: ___/_____

Overall Score


After View

Hey mates, it's Steve Irwin again, and I got the viper! I must say, that demonhouse made a challenge, but I pulled through it. I'd say it was well it's feature. Now I can take this home and cook it on me grill. Oh, wait I can't because of my horrible death. :( Oh well, I still have this viper. Cya later folks!

Comments and thoughts are appreciated.


Venom- The Viper Reviewed by probe5 on Sunday, April 29th 2012. [STAR] We're Hunting For Vipers! - A game review written by probe5 for the game 'Venom- The Viper' by demonhouse. Rating: 4