[#1] Lordeldar Does Not Use An IPhone

Review by righthandmike on Friday, July 3rd 2015

Despite what happens in the game, no, Lord does not use an iPhone. He has stated this multiple times on the Forums.

Hello Sploder. My name is RightHandMike, and welcome to my first review in a long time. I used to be a reviewer on my original account, Beefburito. I transferred accounts for reasons even I�m not quite sure of. Was it to escape my past filled with art games and whatnot? Possibly. But here I am on this account, where all my games are dead serious.

Today I�ll be reviewing not one game, but three. Crazy, right? I�m reviewing the strange trilogy (which I have dubbed the Lordeldar Selfie Bonanza) by the hit game creating duo Mairus. The three games in this trilogy are ~LORDELDAR N SCEPTILE TAKE A SELFIE~, ~LORDELDAR N SPOOKIE TAKE A SELFIE~, and ~LORDELDAR N HIS FAN TAKE A SELFIE~. The games are, well, jokes. Actually, jokes is an understatement. I don�t even know what exactly this series is. It�s like Shia Labeouf, is he a really, ~really~ good actor who acts as a terrible and strange person, or is he just a terrible and strange person? Let�s start this review and find out!

DISCLAIMER: this is a joke review. do not take this professionally.

Let�s start with the basics. Mairus is a collaboration between Russeh and Mai, although their complete names are Rus3000 and Maiphantomhive. The team hit Sploder like a game creating meteor with ~Rainbow~, a game that got mixed reviews despite coming in like a game creating meteor. The game was featured and was a pretty popular game. If you haven�t played ~Rainbow~, go do it. It�s a solid game.

Then came the beginning of the Lordeldar Selfie Bonanza. The game ~LORDELDAR N SCEPTILE TAKE A SELFIE~ was released early this year, back in February. The game was obviously a joke, and since the Internet loves a good joke, we played along with it. The game was based on Sceptile (or was it Lord? The two look very similar in the game) to Sploderbucks for some nice drinks. The forty five year old geologist meets with his mate, and they take a selfie. I don�t want to spoil the ending, so I won�t. It is pretty odd though. Mairus then released the sequel, ~LORDELDAR N SPOOKIE TAKE A SELFIE~, which was released a few months ago. The game was almost the exact same thing as it�s predecessor. I mean, seriously. They used the same exact art for the opening levels, except for changing a few colors. But, hey, it�s a joke game. Lord meets with Spookie, and they take selfies.

Then came this beauty. ~LORDELDAR N HIS FAN TAKE A SELFIE~. This game was slightly different from the other two, and is my favorite in the series. Basically, Lord meets a blurryfaced (t∅p for daysss) fan of his at Sploderbucks. They take a few selfies. Lordeldar asks who his fan is. And it is�



Just when you thought it couldn�t get any worse, he asks to be unbanned! I mean, who saw that coming?

Lordeldar runs away from Sploderbucks, and decides to never date anyone ever again.

And that�s it.

That�s the entire series.

It�s definitely odd. That�s for sure.

So, let�s rate the series, shall we?


Creativity: 3/5

Enemy Placement: 1/5

Level Placement: 3/5

Puzzles: 1/5


Of course, I�m using my actual rating system on a joke art game, so of course it�s going to have a low score.

All in all, you definitely need to play these games. As the great Shia Labeouf (the man who I�ve mentioned twice in one review) once said, �JUST DO IT.�

And like all of my reviews, I�m going to end it with a song. It�s my little tradition. Today�s song is �Tender� by Blur. This song is magnificent. It�s a wonderful song to listen to. It�s very powerful and moving. And it goes like this. This is RightHandMike, signing off.



LORDELDAR N HIS FAN TAKE A SELFIE Reviewed by righthandmike on Friday, July 3rd 2015. [#1] Lordeldar Does Not Use An IPhone - A game review written by righthandmike for the game 'LORDELDAR N HIS FAN TAKE A SELFIE' by mairus. Rating: 2