Vortex: Ride On

Review by sansander97 on Monday, November 15th 2010
Click to play Vortex: Ride On

Vortex: Ride On is a game created by lfc357

Sansander97's 10th Review

Important Message

You are probably used to me making extreamly long reviews but you most likely don't read them. Instead, I will make shorter game reviews and state the main points. I think I will be able to review more games like this.


Very cool name. Cool icon too.


This game truly changes what we think of as artwork. There is a simply increadible amount of passage ways and maze ways. When you start playing, you realize that you will need to recieve the yellow key because there is a key door blocking a teleporter to your south. You travel up to get the key. At first, you think that the game has lost all of its artwork but then lfc357 redeems him/her self by making the best artwork I have ever seen! And then you see it. You see the key! Once you get the key, you head downwards back where you started and open up the key door. You will just have to play it to see what happens next.

Ratings & Information

(Increadibly Low | Very Low | Low | Average | High | Very High | Increadibly High)

Action: Average

Addictiveness: Very High

Artwork: Increadibly High

Challenge: High

Enemy placement: Low

Lag (Low = Low Lag): Very Low

Length: High

Traps & Puzzles: Very High

Overall Gameplay (/10): _________