The Duck Of 3D Shooters

Review by shayminlord789 on Friday, June 11th 2010
Click to play Land of life I

Land of life I is a game created by spellmage

I'm not kidding, it's that good. It all starts at the beginning, like almost everything else. You are thrown into a world of chaos, and enemies galore, but you don't have to kill them ALL. The first two levels have little choice on what to do, so it prevents some people from getting to the real game. Most people can surpass these parts with ease.

Now level 3 is where the great parts start happening. You can skip the entire level, or enjoy the great things Spell put into the game. Everything from getting seduced to blowing up the world is in here. And best of all, you can easily beat it quickly, or take an hour just to explore everything. It's a very fun game, I suggest it to anybody who has an hour of free time and feel like wasting it on a game.

The enemies were placed perfectly. Heck, they had their own LEVEL! Very intense, I ended with just a sliver of health, and got a reward of just what I needed. It's also fun to go back through the game and see what would've happened if you had gone the other way. Twice as much action, and just as fun, this game deserves praise for nearly everything.

Now lag and speed are a different story. Lag isn't really a factor in 3D games because they usually lag. However, this wasn't really laggy unless I was swarmed by enemies, so it was very rare. Very good with the management of the game, you can tell that the game was tested.

Here we go, the story. Oh my gosh, be prepared, it isn't as good as Darut's games, but it's still pretty addicting! You're always wondering what you would've gotten had you gone the other way, and I always checked. Now there are a few places where you won't understand what's going on, so you might have to go the other way to understand. Also, there's a plot hole in the first level. Hopefully it will be covered in Land of Life II.

Now time for a killer in the game's score - power ups. All these little quests for power ups, most of them just leading to ones already collected are a real let down. I know there isn't much to do but still, I would get a little disappointed when I took a long route just to get a weapon I already had. However, health was placed really good.

And of course there's plenty of extra.


Maximum of 10

Start: __________
Power up: ______
Enemies: __________
Plot: ______
How Lag Was Handled: ___________
Effort: __________

Grade: 90% A-

Overall, this game was EXCELLENT, but there were a few let downs in the game that could've been fixed. I suggest a try for everyone, like I said earlier. It can be beaten quickly or slowly, your choice, just like Duck. A great adventure.