A Good First Game For A Good First Review

Review by sonicdude102 on Monday, May 28th 2012
Click to play Ride of the Demon Slayer

Ride of the Demon Slayer is a game created by lumberjay

Hi, this is my first review and today I am reviewing a brilliant first game for a brilliant first review. I will be reviewing The Ride Of The Demon Slayer by Lumberjay.

It was his first game and it was definitely review-worthy. Let’s get started!

Gameplay: Well, the gameplay was good, but it was in fast mode. This characteristic made the game laggy at parts. It made it go slow and turning and fighting enemies was hard.

Other than that it was pretty good. One thing I liked was that it had a really good story, but I’ll get to that in a minute. This game had really good gameplay, yet a decent amount of lag from fast mode. I know this is Lumber’s first game, but it wasn’t too great. I liked it, but it wasn’t a favorite. For a first game to someone who is new to Sploder, very very good!

Scenery: I love scenery in a game. To me it makes it interesting and by making good scenery you can make the game realistic. This has really good scenery to it. I believe it could’ve been better, not just default backwalls, but It was still good in my opinion. The bad thing with lots and lots of scenery is that it can cause lag like crazy. The scenery in the building where you start gave the gameplay lag. The scenery kind of screwed it up by making the whole thing run slow. It may be my computer, but every fast mode game that I have played has been like that. When you get outside there is no scenery, but there is a cool looking background. The scenery in this game was good, but caused some lag. It was still good though. Nice job!

Difficulty: This game was actually pretty hard, I liked it. I didn’t beat it but what I played was epic. Fighting was tough because of fast mode but other than that I liked it. There was no health so that made it a lot tougher than normal. Difficulty wasn’t a problem, though. I really love when games aren’t easy or near impossible. I like more of the semi-hard games, more of a medium type. So this had a perfect difficulty, if he had added some more health here and there, it would have been better. There weren’t many puzzles, either.

Story: You are on a mission to rid a demon army from taking over your home land. You need to destroy all of the demons including the leader fire troll to restore peace to the land. Although you are protecting your own home the journey will not end there. This was a good story but the gameplay didn’t match it very well. If the gameplay had matched better this would’ve been a perfect game. I really enjoyed it.

My conclusion is simple. Overall this was a great game. It had lag, yes but every game has a bit of lag. I didn’t like the fact that it was fast mode, but I dealt with it. Great game, Lumberjay!


Gameplay: 7/10

Scenery: 5/10

Story: 7/10

Creativity: 9/10

Overall Score: 29/40

Great Job, Lumberjay!!


Ride of the Demon Slayer Reviewed by sonicdude102 on Monday, May 28th 2012. A Good First Game For A Good First Review - A game review written by sonicdude102 for the game 'Ride of the Demon Slayer' by lumberjay. Rating: 4