#6 Drones, Drones, And Even More Drones!

Review by theknockout on Tuesday, September 17th 2013
Click to play Secrets II

Secrets II is a game created by dudki

Game: Secrets II

Creator: Dudki

Type: Algorithm

Reviewer: Theknockout

Intro: Ello ello ello peeps theknockout is back for my sixth review on sploder, time seems to fly by doesn't it. Today I will be reviewing a rather formidable algorithm by the one and only dudki which is Secrets II.

Pre-thoughts: Dudki, dudki dudki? Where have I seen that name before? Well...just about everywhere to be honest, he's been on the feature page quite a lot lately actually, and I can see this game up there next. So as you have probably figured dudki is rather well known for his features, mainly in his platformers actually for example The Endless Ride or... Crimson Blade. Both formidable games but of course this is the algorithm we're talking about here. Dudki has got a feature in every creator except the algorithm! Surely just surely now is the time? Will my review back up that thought? We'll have to wait and see. Oh but I'm not done here yet it's thumbnail time, this thumbnail was interesting...yet utterly vacant...not a enemy nor hazard in sight. Strange.

Gameplay: Dynamic, I could just say dynamic and just move on. Seriously the word dynamic sums up Secrets II in a nutshell, the action is dynamic the story is (rather) dynamic. Almost everything about Secrets II is dynamic. But as you can see I mentioned the story. I'm going to do the same thing I did for King Aegon. I'm going to show you the baseline story:

As our heroes continue their mission, they're confronted by the alien leader, of this unknown galaxy. He leaves you with the choices to help them accomplish their goal and be free, or be annihilated by their forces. How will our heroes handle the intense situation they have gotten themselves in? Will they ever get out?

Short? Indeed. This is a sequel to the not so equivalent Secrets. But, the reason the story is so short is because it develops overtime, as you play through the game to story unravels, the plot unravels. It's truly a very interesting story. But, the action now. The amount of action was at the high end of the scale! Really, it was very dynamic as you've heard me said a zillion times now, it's just non-stop action. Another incredibly interesting thing about this is that it doesn't have to be action packed, it can be slow paced and cautious. Now this links us perfectly onto placement. Enemies were placed very well, around corners guarding doors, the placement was thought out very carefully as the majority of them seemed to be somewhat patrolling a designated area. For example a lizardman was literally walking back and forth by a door. There's not much to say about puzzles so I'm going to link that section into gameplay to. So, as I just said I can't say much about puzzle as there isn't many puzzles in Secrets II, the only puzzles I really found were previously used. But still they are quite new, take the storage rack puzzle for example, that's been used before but it's fairly new.

Traps: I'm not sticking traps into there as the drones were literally the traps and I can say a lot about them. Drones drones and even more drones! However despite the large number of them the placement was exquisite. Some drones appear in front of you causing you to suddenly retreat and fight and some appear behind you creating the dynamic atmosphere once again. The drones are another factor that makes Secrets II so dynamic! (Oops I said it again)


Gameplay: 4.5/5 - Incredibly...I have to say it...dynamic!

Puzzles: 3/5 - New but used before.

Traps: 4/5 - Very good placement

Difficulty: 4/5 - Fairly difficulty but can prove easy for more experienced algorithm players like myself ;)

Originality: 3.5/5 - The amount of action was rather unique for me but the puzzles weren't so unique

Total: 19/25

Feature Worthy: Yes...

EGL Worthy: Sorry but nowhere near EGL standard right now, dudki's abilities are certainly improving but needs further advancement to reach the EGL

Conclusion: Secrets II...dynamic.

That's been another review from yours truly the knockout goodbye.


Secrets II Reviewed by theknockout on Tuesday, September 17th 2013. #6 Drones, Drones, And Even More Drones! - A game review written by theknockout for the game 'Secrets II' by dudki. Rating: 4