No Thumbnail?

Review by thunderleaf on Wednesday, December 21st 2011
Click to play Chaos Core 3

Chaos Core 3 is a game created by mrdragon


No thumbnail? That's odd, Mr. Dragon usually throws in sick thumbnail for most of his games. The design also looks a bit pathetic. Meh, I'll try it out though, because Mr. Dragon is amazing at making shooters.


When I first started Chaos Core 3, I got bored. The intro wasn't too great, all you had to do was blow up the nitros while inflicting minimal damage on yourself. Then, you could essentially stand there in the same position and shoot over the purple objects to destroy the enemies. Then once you started to move out, it instantly got better, because you had to use your wit and dodge incoming projectiles that were being shot over the objects.

The action was repetitive yet mildly entertaining. You simply moved, shot over objects, dodged bombs, and countered with your own bombs. Despite all of this, it provided a nice solid challenge for the player of the game.

The challenge, as mentioned above, was pretty good and old school. The old school challenge style was actually I liked best about this game. It reminded me of the games way back that were insanely hard, yet simple.

Another good thing exhibited in Chaos Core 3 was the enemy placement. I liked how Mr. Dragon put in disruptors all over the place pretty much paralyzing you for forever while enemy robots bombarded you with... well, bombs. Also, the robots were also placed so that they could blast you on your blind side while you fended off robots, killing you very quickly. The placement was great, and I would say it's what Mr. Dragon excels in all of his games.

The effort put into the game is obvious. Lots of testing must've been involved to have that perfect placement, and such genius parts in the whole game. Also, the game is pretty long and expansive, so it must have also took a lot of time and effort to make the game.

The scenery wasn't a huge factor. It was pretty much doors and purple blocks defining boundaries and areas locked. But as I mentioned above, it was kind styled like the old featured shooters on Sploder, and I liked it.

In conclusion, Chaos Core 3 is a great game and was entertaining to a gamer like me. It had many good points, but the intro needs to be improved to create a better challenge and feel to the game.


- Placement.

- Design.


- Boring/too subtle intro.


Action: ___.5/_____
Challenge: ____.25/_____
Effort: ____.6/_____
Placement: ____.9/_____
Overall: ____/_____

Chaos Core 3 Reviewed by thunderleaf on Wednesday, December 21st 2011. No Thumbnail? - A game review written by thunderleaf for the game 'Chaos Core 3' by mrdragon. Rating: 4