A|)VANC3|): 7R1GN30CR17Y

Review by thunderleaf on Wednesday, December 15th 2010
Click to play Advanced: Trigneocrity

Advanced: Trigneocrity is a game created by sansander97

Advanced: Trigneocrity is an action game. The game is parallel, so in some parts, you can go in either way, and it wouldn't of made a difference. It has a slight hint of art in it, but not so that it's overdone.

The gameplay is pretty addicting, because you always know what you did wrong (well, most of the time), so you can go back and correct it. The enemy placement is great, but that means the game is pretty hard. Unfortunately, there's a couple glitches (getting stuck in between the polys and not getting out), which make you restart the game. But all in all, Advanced: Trigneocrity is an above average game.

Oh noez! It's da...


Addictiveness: ____/_____
Fun: ___/_____
Challenge: ____/_____

Great job Sansander!