By tropicaldude1000 :: Monday January 10th, 2011

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it is so horrible that people love swimming down a coke glass and reaching a crystal 2 seconds later it is bad and people made it a fave and also got it to win a contest. is this some kind of joke? well im not laughing. Bobbler was 100 percent right on this it was bad and stupid, art is okay on sploder, but to worship a boring glass of coke, it is too far, whether it was sprite mountain dew, fanta, or solo lemonade, the result will stay and haunt maxliam to the future, epic fail. how could anyone find this game any fun!?!?!?!? and to treat a boring and probably the worst game ever like the best game in the world is just horrible, maxliam said it himself that he has no idea why everyone likes it, whos idea was it to make the worst game seem popular, i bet maxliam and his friends made a plan and played billions of times and got everyone to play too, they maybe thought it was funny, 2/10 people think it is funny!! if i were you, id delete it!!! NOW!! END OF CONVERSATION FULL STOP.


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