Eternity, By Crunchynut

Review by vinniepaz1234567 on Saturday, January 1st 2011
Click to play Ticket To Eternity

Ticket To Eternity is a game created by crunchynut

First thoughts.

Wish i could get that ticket. Okay this game is by crunchynut so it's probably gonna be detailed, hard and awesome.


This game tricked me so many times and I kept dieing so many times. This game was very detailed, mostly at the start and then some through the game. The messages in this game were very descriptive, the name grabbed me when i went to play it and it was very addictive i tired this game like 50 times because i wanted to finish it. This game has to ways to go and a lot of tricks, it has a good puzzle and many annoying yet fun parts in the game.The game map was very well set, it may be small but it's hard, the enemy placement was just right to make it super hard like it is. There was a bit of lag for me. I also liked how when you got to the end of the trails it started to get a lot harder.


Puzzles: 6.5/10

Enemy placement: 7.4/10

Addictiveness: 8.2/10

Fun: 8.7/10


Crunchynut made a very good game and it was really fun to play and get killed in. It was very addictive i played it so many times. The game map was good as you know. The enemy placement was just right. The puzzles were very good.


Lag: 3.4/10


The lag was probably because of my bad computer, you may not have lag.

Crucnhynut keep up the good work.