Ye Olde Grand Automobile Theft

Review by wiktor2 on Thursday, July 15th 2010
Click to play GTA:Las Vegas

GTA:Las Vegas is a game created by gronny


Well, a game from 2009. And it's about GTA. Dunno what to think...


A short, action-packed exploring shooter mini-game. Very interesting, although I didn't like the enemy placement, and I really would enjoy this game more, if it would be longer. Well, short game - short review. That's all for this one.

Enemy Placement: ___
Action Rating: _______
Puzzles: __

General Rating: 12/30


GTA:Las Vegas Reviewed by wiktor2 on Thursday, July 15th 2010. Ye Olde Grand Automobile Theft - A game review written by wiktor2 for the game 'GTA:Las Vegas' by gronny. Rating: 2