[IX] A Review Of Two Many?!

Review by windchimera734 on Friday, April 10th 2015
Click to play Imprisonment

Imprisonment is a game created by kingoffangdams

A review of �Imprisonment� and �Spider of the Night�, by Kingoffangdams.


Hey everyone, Shiftry here! Today I am going to review a recently published (and featured) shooter game -- 'Imprisonment' by Kingoffangdams. However, I've decided that this review will be constructed a little different than I would normally attempt. Due to the similarities of both this game and it's prequel 'Spider of the Night' I have decided to evaluate both games in this review; although the more recent game 'Imprisonment' is my main topic. Just thought I'd mention that major adjustment before you start knotting yourself in this Jekyll and Hyde transition.

Analysis and Evaluation

'Imprisonment', much like 'Spider of the Night' contains a slight trial-and-error concept where traps are ripe, but those tactical players will have fewer problems. I want to label just how similar both of these games are, since there is a lot of repetitive puzzles contained in them. I found that both games respectively required bombs to release captive allies, which in turn allows the player to progress once a poly-switch activates. The concept was ok at first, especially how 'Spider of the Night' introduced it; but I quickly grew bored, since Imprisonment reuses this frequent and bland puzzle. Suffice to say, both games can actually complement each other.

There are plenty of enemies found in �Imprisonment�, but encountering very few at once leads to simple shooter potential; only basic tactics are required to succeed. Spider key placements were also pretty dull in both games. While �Spider of the Night� possesses more paths and overall boasts a bigger level mass, �Imprisonment� still felt like an upgrade to me; and I assume this to be because it�s the exact same game as �Spider of the Night�, only executed slightly better.

I cannot praise the idea of 'Imprisonment' being a sequel to �Spider of the Night�, I mean come on, arachnids and prisons? At least have a psychological theme conjoining the two, like nightmares? And even so, the plot would still remain so vague; I have no idea why I'm in prison, how I managed to get an escape opportunity, or even why I'm so special that allies die in order to help my release. It's intriguing and I really wanted an expanded story on this. Kingoffangdams should have left extra messages in rooms, so the player had more to discover. To be honest, I really feel that these games were made with a separate state of mind and only at the end this sequel decision was made.

I would have been happy just playing these games separate, without a story, so I could focus on the level design. Speaking of which, I was fond of the angles and ecstatic patterns, especially in �Imprisonment� where the vibrant colours complement the fast-paced thrill of the game design. 'Spider of the Night' was a little dull at places, but both still have their pros and cons.

Final Comment

Overall, there are plenty of enemies encountered in �Imprisonment�, but encountering very few at once leads to simple shooter potential. Spider key placements were also pretty dull in both games. While �Spider of the Night� possesses more paths and overall boasts a bigger area quantity, �Imprisonment� still felt like an upgrade to me; and I assume this to be because it�s the exact same game as �Spider of the Night�, only executed slightly better.

Thanks for reading. ~ windchimera734/Shiftry