Drawing Never Looked So Simple.

Review by youngcaliman on Thursday, June 2nd 2011
Click to play Drawing Sketches I

Drawing Sketches I is a game created by danny168backup


When we compare different movies, we normally compare them based on genre. We usually compare a horror movie with another horror movie. We compare a comedy with a comedy, and so on. This is the same thought process I had prior to playing this game. As soon as I saw the title "Drawing Sketches I", I automatically began to reminisce on similar games I have played in the past, such as the popular games "Sketch" by nitrogendioxide and "Notebook Escape" by troyio. How does the game "Drawing Sketches I" compare with popular and immaculate games such as these? Let's dig a little deeper in order to answer this question.

Likes: To be honest, I can not say that I enjoyed much of the game. I believe the best part of the game (Not including when it ended) was the second level. Although short, it does portray a very nice concept regarding cooperation between the character and a self-moving platform.

Game Play: The game has six levels. All six levels have been made with the sketching feature in the physics game creator, which obviously makes the game look like a doodle. The character, or player, for the game is a small white box that can move from side to side or jump. The game does not take long to complete, as all of the levels are extremely short.

Enemies/Hazards and Placements: The enemies and hazards in the game are all stationary, except for the moving blocks in level 3 which move casually from left to right. This is not necessarily a bad thing if the creator wanted to focus on the theme of the game by allowing the enemies and hazards to be immobile, as if they were actually doodles on a piece of paper. However, the designs of the enemies and hazards are very simple and lack creativity and structure. The placement of each enemy was also very poorly planned. Enemies were scarce throughout the game, which does not allow for much of a challenge.

Scenery/Design: The overall game design is very simple. The game was mostly black and white, with a few patches of color scattered throughout the game. Again, this does not prove to be life threatening for the game because the theme of the game involves sketching, which many sketches can be made with just a regular pencil. It is the design of the game that has earned this review. Each level was poorly constructed and lacked any amount of detail and effort, with the exception of level two.

Health and Score Placement: Each level can easily be completed with just one life. However, the player is given up to 3 lives in every level. In level one, for example, the player is given 3 lives. There are four enemies in the first level. 4-3 = 1. Therefore, 75% of the character's health can be stripped away and still be able to complete the level with only 25% of the enemies remaining. Needless to say because of the overwhelming calculations, there is very little skill required to complete this game. Except for level 1 and level 3, only one coin is required in order to pass each level. The score placement is accurate, although the design of the game allows the player to reach the number of points needed to complete each level with ease.

Block Placement: The block placement of the game is also fairly poor. The block placement was too simple and repetitive. There is not much to say about the block placement because very little was used in the game. I really do with I could elaborate more, but sadly there is just nothing else I can personally say.

Addictiveness: Once you play it once, there is no turning back. That is, there will be no desire to play this game over again. The bland level designs, inadequate block placements and simple enemy designs allows the game to have very little or no replay effect.

Final Thoughts:

Does this game prevail over the most popular drawing games that have already been made? Not by a long shot. This game is far too immature to be placed in the class of the elite drawing games of Sploder thus far. Simplicity seems to be the word of the day. Everything in this game is far too simple and contains very little detail and creativity. If there was a refund for the time I spent playing the game, I would take it in a heartbeat. Is this game feature worthy? No. Is this game worthy for a review? Yes. Unfortunately, not a good review.

Thank you for taking some of your time to read my first review.


Enemies/Hazards: 3/10

Scenery: 3/10

Level Design: 3/10

Health and Score Placement: 2/10

Block Placement: 4/10

Addictiveness: 2/10

Total Score: 17/60