Hyper Puzzle Zone By Ov3rlord

Review by achievement on Tuesday, May 26th 2015
Click to play Hyper Puzzle Zone

Hyper Puzzle Zone is a game created by ov3rlord


Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to another review! :)

Anyway, today I'll be reviewing a game by ov3rlord, a member who's flowing with talent but is wasted in my opinion, now he's heard me say all of this before and I hope he doesn't mind me putting it in this review. I say he's a waste of talent; he creates these games that look amazing and then you'd play it and think to yourself 'what a waste of time', or at least I did, this is because he rushes to make games and in a way bribes people for views by putting challenges worth thousands of boost points for loads and loads of members, this I somewhat understand, he want views. However, he also wants features and reviews, and I personally think if he spent time on his games and edited them until every detail of the game was perfect, he'd get the features and reviews he wants because as I said, he has talent, he's just not using it well.

Anyway, let's continue.


Game: Hyper Puzzle Zone

Maker: Ov3rlord

Creator: Platformer

Completion Time: N/A (I got bored after a couple goes and stopped trying to win)


Like I sort of mentioned in the introduction, whenever I see one of his games, I'll think it looks good and then I'll play it and be disappointed. So, let's see if Hyper Puzzle Zone is any different.


Now, let me just say this game actually had some decent ideas, however, like all of his other games, the execution could've been better.

For a puzzle game, it lacked puzzles. I think over the 5 levels there was about 4 puzzles and they were all obvious, overused and old puzzles. This made the game really easy because I knew how to get past the puzzles with ease. For example, on the first level, ov3rlord placed a big wheel in front of where'd you land after defeating the thug, the big wheel was put there with a gun. This was so you could shoot the big wheel and activate a switch which would block the turrets above (in the next path) be prevented from hitting you. However, I'm not sure if this was intentional on Ov3rlord's part but the way the wheel was positioned, you'd be able to shoot and destroy the turrets without a single one hitting you, if it wasn't intentional, it was poorly executed. Immediately after this, there was a pool of lava, a small drop and a ninja. The ninja was blocking you from continuing, however, if you were smart with the wheel and kept it just in front of you, rather than pushing it away, you could push it slightly forward, off the small drop and the ninja would fall into the lava with it, this is another example of poor execution. After this, it was a series of boring switch puzzles. Level 2 had no puzzles in, at least none that I saw. It was just a case of going up the right paths and getting to the door, pretty boring. Level 3 starts off with another boring, simple, old puzzle; you have to go into a place in order to get a key which will allow you to go to another place. After that, you have some glove puzzles to do! Usually I love glove puzzles because there are so many different puzzles you can use with the glove and because there are loads of different combinations you can do, but no. Ov3rlord went with the usual, boring ones of getting an enemy to open the one way door and moving a wheel with the glove to activate the switch. However, with the wheel and glove puzzle, he didn't even make it so you had to use the glove and wheel, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF WITH THE BLOCKHEAD and still have enough time to get up and past the lava. Soon after, he did another old and boring puzzle; activate the switch in order to activate the c.lo.ser.s that would allow you to get over the lava. The following levels had the exact same puzzles. This could've been improved greatly, had he spent time on the game and tried to implement better, or even his own puzzles.

The block placement and design was one of the best aspects of the game, although it was sloppy at points, for example on level 3 with the glove and wheel puzzle; with better design and placement, it could've been much better. Like I said, it was quite good though; Ov3rload placed many things over the game in very good positions, causing some decent traps. For example, on level 1, near the end of the level, there was some turrets and a bunch of switches. 9/10 times, you'd activate the switches and trap yourself, thus causing you to die or lose a lot of health by falling into the lava, there were many places like this throughout the game, like on level 3 with the ladders and lava; you'd have barely any health and there was a major possibility of you dying if you made just one mistake. I would like to say, this is one the things that could've also been improved a lot had he worked on the game for longer; he could've added in scenery for effect and designed the map better, making the game more appealing for other users.

The enemy placement was good though, he put them in effective places, making the game a little harder (which was still easy due to no good puzzles). As well as putting them in effective places, he made it so you had to fight the majority of them and he didn't overuse them or underuse them, which is a trap many people fall into.


- Decent placement (enemy, block and item)

- Somewhat fun


- Not original

- Nothing new

- Bad, overused, boring and old puzzles

- Somewhat boring




There was nothing new in the game, I'd seen all of the puzzles before, making it pretty boring.



There wasn't many puzzles used and the ones that were used were old, boring and simple, as well as overused. I would've loved to see some original puzzles or ones that aren't often used.



Although it didn't actually have many puzzles, it was fun to play, probably because I played it at quite a fast pace.



It could be improved so much, simply by you spending more time working on your games.

Feature Worthy

No. It lacked originality, it was boring, didn't have much effort put into it etc. It lacked pretty much everything a featured game needs.

Thanks for reading!

Ov3rlord, sorry if you found this unfair or anything, I just want you to bring out the best of you, which you can do; just spend time on your games. :)


Hyper Puzzle Zone Reviewed by achievement on Tuesday, May 26th 2015. Hyper Puzzle Zone By Ov3rlord - A game review written by achievement for the game 'Hyper Puzzle Zone' by ov3rlord. Rating: 2