Review by boytucker on Sunday, May 21st 2017
Click to play Sonic Saves Mario

Sonic Saves Mario is a game created by bobbler

Hello my name is Boytucker and today I am going to try and review a game I heard of called Sonic Saves Mario by a nice young fellow named Bobbler. I'm not sure who Mr. Bobbler is but after trying this game and looking at the walkthrough. I hopefully believe that I, Boytucker, may have a good review on this amazing game. On my many days I have spent here, I have realized that a huge stack of featured games do not quite well appeal to a normal audience. However, the huge game maker known as Bobbler seems to have a thing with making appealing sploder games, and his most great accomplishment must be the game known as Sonic Saves Mario. Now let's get right into it.


Right off the hat I have decided to start these sections with the games highest pro to it's lowest con so just a heads up. So Sonic Saves Mario starts off with some kind of cut scene made in a way I cannot fully understand. It is genius in every sense of the word and quite frankly I've been looking at games before it and have never seen a cut scene quite like this. As you can see I cannot truly tell if something is too unique from other games due to me being new. However, this first puzzle (or just sequence) is a pretty fun and exciting sequence. It goes to show how such a simple effect could enhance a game. The sequence simply goes like the street goes up and it slowly goes away, reating a racing sequence, something missing from the other featured games I have played. The next sequence follows the same kind of pattern in a different kind of way, simply put, fight the enemies until the time runs out which is, surprisingly, insanely boring for a game. The next sequence is actually a collection of sequence, all in one house called, "Kirby's Fun House", quite an interesting name I must say. The first sequence is about timing, something I have just realized is everywhere in this game. I like the idea of timing it's quite a fun concept to toy with. And from this point on I realize, there won't be any complex thinking puzzles. Complex thinking puzzles would be way out of place here so good for Bobbler. The next one is, you did not guess it did you, a timing sequence. After this pretty fun timing puzzle I go on to, which I would call, the first non-timing sequence in the game. It is a jumping sequence, so in the nature of the ducking sequence I jump one by one onto the whales which blow, quite fun I must say. The next is a jumping sequence in the same sense, but yet it is slightly worse in that it adds nothing new to the jumping sequence and is really stressful. On the next level I must say I got confused. I just didn't know where to find Ash. Then I found the underwater kingdom of the Bikini Bottom. I don't know how bout it took me like 10 minutes to find where I can get the key and then I realized it was in the houses all along. After baiting my far share of enemies through these houses I come to a destroyed Snorlax and thus my journey can continue. I go on a super simple roller coaster which is either inspired by or parodying games by Tommy123 and that one game by Maxliam. I'm now in space where I come down swiftly and find Ash. The next level we shall go. The next level truly feels like a real life Mario atmosphere, with epic stuff and everything. It consists of many Mario enemies acting like cool Mario enemies and some fun areas. However, the last level is little more than this, expect for one thing, the boss battle. The boss battle has a certain style reassembling real Mario battles. It's simple, Boss attacks you and you try to jump, boss stops attacking and you fight, and repeat while the boos gets harder and harder. After the boss I am treated to a feeling of satisfaction as I go into my little escape pod. That brings us to chapter 2, scenery.


Honestly, Sonic Saves Mario's scenery is a wad of innovative covered by a small layer of uninspired art. What do I mean by this? Why, I will say once I get farther into this review. The full set of graphics for the first cut scene looks uninspired and lacking a certain style to it, but this is made up due to it being put in a way that shows simplicity. After this cut scene I am treated to some well graphics. The problem with a lot of Sonic Saves Mario's is that the styles don't match, for example there is a good sonic graphics but under it is a badly made lava graphic. The cave I am treated to also doesn't treat the game well, feeling more like a noob game than the well made masterpiece it truly is. On to the next level I see grass and many trees, a vast improvement from the previous level. Although, like I said before, the dirt graphic looks way different than the grass graphic. The way Bobbler presents the color of the beam is ugly and out of place. It could have just not have been there as it pretty much messes up the feel of the game for a bit. The rainbow road's graphics are kind of off also, with the ugly rainbow graphic and blank background not complementing the game well. Now we shall go on the graphics of Kirby's Fun House�. Honestly, there isn't much to say here that hasn't already been said. The graphics blend in well but are uninspired like the levels before and the black background isn't doing it well. On to level 3 we go. Right of the bat I see an ugly cut scene. It's just so out of place when it should have been in the middle. I'm not going to consider this a con since it's probably just due to my OCD. HOWEVER, what I will consider a con is that this cut scene has no inspiration. The reason for this is that it's use of graphics isn't clever in any way due to it just being simple overused graphics put on top of the user. This next level consists of an underwater sea with many decorations everywhere, but it fails to impress. The graphics for the houses look ugly but the insides are quite the improvement. I can't say much about the insides as they do look just like the outside but yeah they are alright. On the roller coaster I get a sense of ugly. The roller coaster doesn't fit in well with the game due to it not having a similar aesthetic and kind of looking ugly. BUT the space scene is really neat as it feels as though I am going to space so I will give it that. Surprisingly, there isn't much to say about the last level's scenery. It follows the same tropes as the other levels and looks just like the others, so I'm not going to talk about this section much. Overall, it has innovative scenery but uses uninspired graphics. However, I love the way Bobbler integrated 3D effects into the game, as seen throughout the entirety of the game. So yeah that pretty much wraps up the scenery and let us go on to the third paragraph, Story.


There isn't much to say here. The story itself is quite simple and probably could have been written by anyone. That will not stop me from making a paragraph about it however, as the game consists of just enough examples of storytelling to make a whole paragraph on. So what is the story? Well, basically it's just Mario gets stolen and you must save him. I do not really care though as that is enough to make it a fun game. But this paragraph isn't about the gameplay, it's about the simple story. The story in a way follows the same pattern as most Mario games. Character gets stolen, hero must save him/her. This story structure can help boost any game to have great gameplay but usually has no huge story telling elements. The game also consists of many visual elements, such as going into a Pokeball or fighting in a castle, but honestly I can't really find anything too deep in this story. The game has a simple story but that isn't bad, so I'll just leave it like that. It may be the worst element of the game, but it's not as important as scenery and gameplay. Now let us go on to the pros, cons, and ratings.


Great aesthetic

Great gameplay

Lots of innovation


Uninspired graphics

Low quality story


GAMEPLAY - 4.7/5

SCENERY - 3.6/5

STORY - 2.8/5




Honestly Sonic Saves Mario is one of the most innovating games on the site so far even if it has it's share of cons. I would personally suggest playing this game and I hope to see y'all in another review. Bye now.