.:|WD|:. An Action-packed Adventure Of Epic Proportions.

Review by captainalex on Sunday, May 22nd 2011
Click to play Cold Flames

Cold Flames is a game created by gallade265

Welcome to another WellDone.:|WD|:.Review by captainalex!

So today I'll be reviewing Cold Flames, by gallade265. He requested a different game a while back in the old thread, but posted this one in the new thread instead. I regret no one reviewed his other game, but here I am reviewing this one. Anyways, time for the review.

This game was one of the funnest-yet-hardest I've ever played before in the year I've been on Sploder. Lots of enemies, the right amount of power-ups, great scenery, and much more. You know how most fun games are too easy? Well, this one was really hard as well as really fun. Play it, you'll see what I mean.

It's been a while since I played a game with this much action in it. Enemies placed very well- some were stacked so you had to figure out how to do it, sometimes there was a flood of smaller enemies led by one larger, sometimes they were around corners... this game had a lot of spice to it in this area. And of course, Good enemy placement plus A well-built playfield = great action sequences, which was also a feature of Cold Flames.

Speaking of a well-built playfield, the game in question definitely had one. There were a lot of obstacles, twists, and turns, but it wasn't ever too cramped. Cold Flames had a lot of different smaller areas, each with their own theme as well. Scenery was great. I mean, it was almost like art, except that it was actually fun instead of boring. The obstacles really contributed to how it looked, and the game color made sense- cold flames = blue.

Like I said before, enemy placement was just awesome in this game. Power-ups too were in just the right places and when you needed them. There was a lot of health packs in the beginning, but you did need the extra health for later on. It kind of tricked me at first- made me think that this was going to be too easy. Nicely played, gallade (ooh, it rhymes). As the game went on, it got harder of course. At the end, before I could win I got overwhelmed by enemies because I should've used the mortar, so here is a tip: keep on your toes! Look ahead, if in doubt USE THE MORTAR! You'll get more when you need them (which was another part of the good placement). Not too many power-ups were given, just enough so you could still be alive if you were careful as you went through the game.

Well, that's all I have to say so it's time for the ratings!



Fun: ______
Enemy placement: ______
Power-up placement: ______
Scenery: _____
OVERALL: ______

Any Last Words: Definitely feature-worthy, this will be going into the .:|WD|:. SELECT FEW Hall of Fame. Great job Gallade on this epic game!


Cold Flames Reviewed by captainalex on Sunday, May 22nd 2011. .:|WD|:. An Action-packed Adventure Of Epic Proportions. - A game review written by captainalex for the game 'Cold Flames' by gallade265. Rating: 3