[MR] An Action Packed Tear Is Missing In This Game!

Review by creatingames on Monday, June 20th 2011
Click to play Bloody Tear

Bloody Tear is a game created by lcraniuml

This is Miracle Reviews, where we might just see a Miracle Game!


Now, this is lcraniuml's sixth featured game so I am expecting at least a good game here. This is his first 3D Mission game though, so will he bring his talent from his shooters and platformers in to this game? I'll have to play the game to find out the answer.


Welcome to my thirty first review and twenty seventh [MR]. Today I'll be doing a review on 'Bloody Tear' by lcraniuml. Now, I've got five games on my list to review, and this game is one of them. Maybe you're interested what games they are, maybe you're not, but you'll have to wait and see what games I'll be reviewing soon. Now lets get on with the review.


Now, I'll start the review off by saying this is a game that had an interesting scene put into it. It really made me think about the setting. This had a decent amount of puzzles put into this game, they'll all nicely placed and there were a couple that I don't think I've come across them before. I haven't completed this game so the game was challenging which is great. There wasn't enough action in this game though, which is what lcraniuml needs to work on. I've giving him low scores for action in my other reviews on his games. The placements were good, not great, there were a few enemies that were bunched together. The health placement was not bad, a lot of it was placed far too early though.

The game play is okay, it could of been better in some ways. It's a game that isn't too hard to understand what to do and had a few levels that got me used to the game. Level 4 was the level where the game started to get interesting. It is a level that is different to the first three although it is in the same style. I lost the game on level 5 and I felt like playing the game again which is great, unlike some other games. This game should of had more effort put into it, especially with the action. This is probably the third or fourth time I've mentioned that lcraniuml hasn't had enough action in his game, so, lcraniuml, I'm expecting more action in your next game.

Ratings (Out of five):

Action: __/_____
Game Play: ___/_____
Placements: ___/_____
Puzzle: _____/_____


Overall, this game deserves a 3.25/5. It is a good game, although it could of been better, but at least it matched what I was expecting.

This has been a Miracle Review!


Bloody Tear Reviewed by creatingames on Monday, June 20th 2011. [MR] An Action Packed Tear Is Missing In This Game! - A game review written by creatingames for the game 'Bloody Tear' by lcraniuml. Rating: 5