[MR] Room For Improvement!

Review by creatingames on Friday, April 15th 2011
Click to play Eradicate

Eradicate is a game created by lcraniuml

This is [MR] where you might just find a Miracle Review!


Lcraniuml has made some nice platformers and I've now started to understand his style of games, but will he bring his effort from his plats to shooters is the question. I'd have to play this featured shooter to find the answer then.


Welcome to my twentieth review and sixteenth [MR]. Today I'll be doing a review on 'Eradicate' by lcraniuml. The storyline was great, interesting and imaginative. Now lets take a look at this game.


The thumbnail wasn't too good, four crystals in my view and plenty of enemies. What did impress me in the thumbnail is that is had a lot of detail to it which will attract other people to play the game. I'd say that the thumbnail has filled up ninety percent on it, but as long as it's filled up at least seventy five percent, I'm happy with that.

Beginning of the Game

Now this was really annoying and lets down the action, why do the Disruptor's have to hit me like ten times; what was the point in the Cruisers there? They were like pushing me towards the Disruptor's. This was definitely a bad start to the game and I'm expecting better effort for the beginning next time, lcraniuml.

Puzzles and Traps

Now I've not got very far into the game but I'd of expecting a trap by how far I got into the game. I only came across one puzzle during the game play and that was very obvious. I haven't got much to say about this aspect here and that's because there weren't enough puzzles and traps.


The enemy placement in this game was poor, the cruisers and disruptor's at the start of the game were just placed terribly and most of the enemies I came across were badly placed as well. Same with the health placement. A lot of the time, you are low of health but you go straight to full health again. This game is turning out to be on negative sides today.


This was low action packed, I was doing the same thing for about two minutes when I was playing the game. This game did start to get boring and I lost on purpose as I couldn't seem to want to play this game any more.

Thoughts During the Game

None really, nothing impressed me and I just wanted to stop playing so I stopped.


Great storyline.

...Er, it was featured?

Thumbnail had a lot of detail.


Annoying beginning.

Hardly any puzzles and traps.

Poor placements

Ratings (Out of Five):

Puzzles and Traps: _/_____
Placements: _/_____
Action: _/_____


Overall, this game deserves a 1/5. Altogether, I really can't understand how many people think this is a great game.

This has been a miracle review


Eradicate Reviewed by creatingames on Friday, April 15th 2011. [MR] Room For Improvement! - A game review written by creatingames for the game 'Eradicate' by lcraniuml. Rating: 1