The Gas Giant

Review by elcrossix on Monday, October 1st 2012
Click to play The Gas Giant

The Gas Giant is a game created by jackjoshseb

Another review. I just wanted to review this game because I owe Jackjoshseb a review, I wrote a review ages ago on his game but it glitched up, so here's another review for my neighbour.

The Gas Giant is an open world style game, it's set on a planet, (Jupiter, I presume) hence the name The Gas Giant. It's a similar game to The Red Planet by another member which got a lot of attention, not sure if it will be as good, though.

Okay, so I beat the game, actually. Here are all of the areas on The Gas Giant that you'll need to go to.

- The Debris Formations

- The Molten Cores

- The Heatened Streams

- The Swamps

- The Fields

- The Land Caves

- Acidic Remains

- The Great Red Spot

So many things to explore, and explore I did. There were a few areas better then others in terms of design etc, The Debris Formations and The Land Caves were indeed my favourite of the destinations.


There was quite a lot of action, some deadly enemies too. The action was great, in placement and how you were forced into getting damaged one way or another, it's something jjs does often is his game, he doesn't want people bypassing the action scenes. Buuuut, you could take little to no damage on occasions in this game, if you explore the destinations in a certain order and collect powerups accordingly, you could have more then 50% health for most of the game. This could've been intentionally done for all I know. I haven't asked about it. All in all, the action scenes were pretty fun, I gave myself a challenge and went through the destinations without the powerups, well, that was difficult, to say the very least!!



There wasn't a whole lot of puzzles in The Gas Giant, but there was one that popped up every now and again. I'd seen them before, but Jack reformed and added new twists to them to make them almost unrecognizable in the heat of the game. It's not based on puzzle, the game, but he did well when needed.



The map was brilliant, firstly mentioning the sheer size, bigger then most games out there, it took me 16 minutes to beat and took Creatingames over 20 minutes. It's meant to be a Planet and it was huge (twss). There was a lot of backtracking and there was a lot of space with nothing to do which wasn't too much of a downfall, but a little bit, I guess. It matched the theme of a planet and there was a lot to explore. Good work.



The game wasn't the most challenging out there, there are a lot harder games, but the reason it wasn't as challenging is because if you go to the separate destinations in a certain order then you had a lot of health for most of the game, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing; you'd need it, like I mentioned beforehand. On the other hand, take the destinations in the opposite order to which I went, and that's a whole different story.


Feature Worthy

This game hasn't been featured, but I'd say it is in fact feature worthy. There is also no lag, a lot of destinations to explore and keep you occupied on the rather large planet of exploration. It was fun for me, in my eyes not quite as good as The Red Planet, another planet style game by crunchynut, but still good. I'd say it's feature worthy.