Emp Was Harmed During The Making Of His 13th Review

Review by empoleon on Thursday, December 23rd 2010
Click to play Whispers Of Satan

Whispers Of Satan is a game created by crunchynut

I died lots :( Whispers Of Satan is a visually amazing game that's fun to play and was worked on very carefully. On a side note, this is my second BHR review. I would be very grateful if any reader of this review comments about the quality. Now back to the game. I could tell from the moment I started this game that it had been worked on for a long time. Everything was in the right place, and the game was a great play.

In Whispers Of Satan you start out in an hell-ish looking area. You go to the right, jump over a treacherous gap and are confronted by a fire troll. If you play your cards right, the fire troll is easily passed, but one mis-step and you'll be wounded or even killed. After comes an easily dodged thug and then a ladder. You confront another thug and kill it, but then comes an interesting exchange. There's a pit of lava only crossable by a panel that moves from side to side. Guarding this panel is a bat. At first the bat flies out of the room and you think you're safe, but the bat comes back and pushes you off. This was a executed very well. After that you are forced to jump with precision, and from there the game only gets harder, but I'll let you find that out. One of the things that makes this game great is fluency. The player is always moving and if there is any time to rest, it's short. Another great thing is that most of the pieces work properly. Very rarely did I see one of the enemies running in circles. The enemies were placed in the right places and moved at the right time. One example is the fire troll in the beginning. The fire troll lands on top of, or next to the player after falling from a cliff. The fire troll kicks and/or shoots the player, causing enough damage to hinder you while you progress through the game. Each enemy adds to this game. There is no useless block in Whispers Of Satan, everything adds to the experience.

The scenery and design of Whispers Of Satan was amazing. crunchynut has messages telling you that you're in limbo, but what makes it really seem like you're in limbo is what's to your left. At the beginning there is a drop off to your left and the background becomes scarce. This really gives the player the feeling that there's nothing else out there. I thought this part Whispers Of Satan was genius. The rest of the game is outfitted with lava rocks and more backgrounds that relate to H3ll. In between some of the tiles is lava that adds to the scenery, but also to the lag. The negative that often comes from extensive scenery is lag. Whispers Of Satan suffers majorly from the lag, but the game is still playable. There's no rating for lag, but the otherwise perfect design rating is going to take a tool due to the lag.

Now comes the final paragraph describing the epicness of this game. Whispers Of Satan is a game that's a pleasure to look at, and is a pleasure to play. The highly detailed scenery adds to the epicness and the well-placed enemies add to the fun. crunchynut must have paid quite a lot of attention to the details of Whispers Of Satan.

Suggestion: Even though scenery is vital to every game, scenery needs to be controlled. The lava that's placed in the floor adds greatly to the lag. If you ever make a scenery rich game, keep careful watch over the lag.

Ratings (Out of 5):

Entertainment: ____
Enemy Placement: ____
Creativity: _____
Design: ___
Epicness: ____
Overall: ____

crunchynut, I loved this game. I enjoyed every minute of it, but the lag caused me to fall a few times. Fix that and it's an almost perfect game.

This has been a BHR. Please comment on the quality of the review.


Whispers Of Satan Reviewed by empoleon on Thursday, December 23rd 2010. Emp Was Harmed During The Making Of His 13th Review - A game review written by empoleon for the game 'Whispers Of Satan' by crunchynut. Rating: 4