
Review by fibal98 on Sunday, June 27th 2010
Click to play Area 51

Area 51 is a game created by zas04


"Found this game on forums lets have a look."


It's a hard game I give that to Zas. Did it really take him five hours to make? (Or did I just miss something?) Oh no I hate bats. Good only one.

Starting the game

It took me three tries to kill Snarly and then I killed the thug. But I died when I was fighting Thor.


It's a good game, not too sure on the story, but Zas said he would make the description later. I think it needs more life. It doesn't look like anyone completed it so we'll see. Simple, fun it sounds really good.


Fun: ________
Hard: _________
Name: _________

Story: (No story yet)

Overall Rating
