On A Mission For A Stoned Dragon!!

Review by firetrolik on Saturday, June 9th 2012
Click to play DragonStone

DragonStone is a game created by swallowthesun

Game: DragonStone

Maker: Swallowthesun

Type: Platformer

Air bubbles spread through the purifying water, as I enter DragonStone city. I climb on board, soaked with water and petrified with fear. Swallowthesun still roams our forum, in search for satisfactory reviewer applications, and much more! To get to the point, DragonStone is the only game so far which I've firmly inspected and played, which was created by swallowthesun. His 3 badges represent his epicness deep inside, which he always expresses for all to see. The eye of purifying success has its blinding path cleared, which leads it to swallowthesun and his games. DragonStone is also the only featured game which I have by far managed to spot with my truthful eye, I believe that many others would also refer to this! Several references to him are made by other members of the forums and mainsite, and truthfully I see no path to negative references, only the path to positive references is pure and clear before my very eyes. But you know what they say, 'Expect the unexpected'. The upcoming information should convince you to have an experience of DragonStone first hand. I'm still soaking after evading the water, however every adventure of mine takes place in a flashback as my first steps, but what is it like?

This flashback of mine, I reflect upon it, and it seems as to be the thumbnail. No matter what event takes place before the gameplay, the player visualises the thumbnail which is a rather small screenshot of the game. Meanwhile, I catch a glimpse of DragonStone's thumbnail and end up intrigued. Before my very eyes, my scan on the thumbnail of DragonStone finishes. What I've managed to spot on it, is pure greyness, just like usual. You have 2 bats, an owl, and several ice blocks, which rather in my opinion isn't much, as a small picture consists of fewer and smaller objects. This has been a disappointment to me, the thumbnail could've been better, perhaps maybe by attempting to capture more tiles, enemies and objects? Although, I wouldn't be overcritical at this stage, since the thumbnail was in between 'Fail' and 'Satisfaction'. Overall, the thumbnail was 'okay' in my humble opinion. One disadvantage couldn't possibly ruin such an amazing game like this!

Ah, placement. This is an advantage of the game, and I find no means of criticism in this section. Allow me to just say, nicely done. I guess this probably took a lot of effort in order to succeed? To put things into perspective, the placement of every piece in the playfield feasts my eyes and gets me even more intrigued and excited about the adventure than I thought possible! Additionally, I would be delighted to make a statement for why I think this. Whilst advancing past numerous platforms, there are no errors visualised by the eye of success whatsoever. This gives the game clearance to rising in power, as it deserves! Placement first convinced me to carry the game on, whilst I ended up paralyzed by its true potential. For example, as I call them 'Ice block stairs', have been allocated correctly inside the playfield by swallowthesun due to the fact that clinging on and working your way up was a piece of cake! Not only the 'Ice block stairs' we're perfect from here, but I would like to say that this refers to certain 'Jumping Platforms' or 'Ice Platforms'. Hopping and skipping, I love it! Also, this has been pre-created with a small sprinkle of inspiration perhaps? Finally, I'm proud to introduce to you my favourite pieces of placement, ice platforms! My very first attempt at DragonStone was frustrating, as I unstoppably skid on the ice and ended up in the wrong places! This was frustrating, but an advantage, I must say.

I'm skidding every second, until I accidently trip and am introduced into scenery. Scenery was also used wisely and nicely, however I'm sure that I could have seen better, since there wasn't quite a large amount of windows, truss', back walls, etc. This is so far my only criticism for the scenery, however overall it was completely remarkable! I'm not in use of speaking out the words 'Disadvantage' or 'Con', since none of these two refer to the scenery. I would be rather in use of the phrases 'Nicely done' or 'A success'. Scenery isn't the most important aspect of each game, since this is nothing like showing off beauty or going to the ball, or a beauty paget. Although, scenery may come in useful if someone who firmly investigates your decoration decides to play, since this could make their subconscious mind intrigued, and possibly think to themselves 'Hmm, this is a complimentary game. I definetely recommend it'. I have no forming words left about scenery, thus maybe I should describe if the game from my point of view is preferably feature worthy?

You've all been wondering about my personal opinion, and I'm ready to tell you! I prefer this game on becoming feature worthy, just as it is at this moment of glory. Since my overall experience pumped out satisfaction and epicness, I would say that this game is feature worthy!


- Good placement

- Nice scenery

- Interesting game


- Unappealing thumbnail


Thumbnail: ___/_____
Placement: ____/_____
Scenery: ___/_____
Puzzles & Traps: __/_____

Overall Score: ____/_____