The Greatest Game On This Site.

Review by gamezman305 on Saturday, October 4th 2014
Click to play bounce

bounce is a game created by konnichiha

This game is the greatest game on this site. You can tell how much work Konnichiha put into this game, and everything is just so beautiful. The physics of the game are revolutionary, and the graphics are top-notch.My only complaints about this game are that it is too slow and it can't collect rings. Unlike sonic though! (laughing emoji) ♪

The scenery is also very vivid, representing every single economic crash in America, as well as depression in third-world countries. Lastly, this game represents being held in captivity, and how wheels are for cavemen like P3anu766 (laughing emoji) (laughing emoji) (laughing emoji)

Overall, this game is pretty swell. I give it ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________/______: