Behavior On Sploder

Review by geoff on Monday, April 16th 2012
Click to play Planet Protector

Planet Protector is a game created by geoff

Recently it has been brought to my intention that there are a few trends here on Sploder that are becoming a significant problem. I thought I would use this opportunity to remind everyone why we are here, and what is considered unacceptable behavior.

First of all, there have been a rash of games entitled "Kill ..." where the subject is a celebrity (read "Justin Bieber") or another member of the site. Keep in mind this sort of hate speech is in direct violation of the site Terms of Service. If you make a game like this, we may simply delete your game, or we may decide to ban you completely from Sploder.

Secondly, the Sceptile vs. Jaden kerfuffle is so 2011. Really? Get a grip, people. It's old news. If you decide to make a game about this or send hateful comments, it could result in you getting permanently banned.

Thirdly, and please remember, this is a site for a general audience. Inappropriate games, graphics or comments are a quick and easy way to get you banned forever. We're committed to keep this place safe for everyone. If you act in a way that jeopardizes this, then we will take action.

Finally, let's all take a deep breath and remember why we are here. We're here to have fun, be creative, and share. That's it. Relax! It's all good.

I'd like to again thank our tireless community staff. Special shout-out to lordeldar, superluigi77, jackjoshseb, charismatic, ravicale, whtever, liamnight, 7grant2, bigfootbasher, cyclone43, youngcaliman, brocky, myownself, omega, okkeny, maddogten, jcaldwell, benisaewsome and 10000truths for your efforts!