Yay, Cannons! - Review #7

Review by gerald123 on Saturday, November 30th 2013
Click to play Cannon Town

Cannon Town is a game created by dudki

Let’s get to Cannon Town,

let’s get all around,

some flags needs to be found,

I think they are on the ground,

there are 14 flags abound,

yeah let’s get to Cannon Town.

I was singing this song while playing the game lol. I want to let you know that I might join the Rap battles on the Forums soon, as I am good at creating lyrics and stuff.

Hey everyone, my name is Gerald123 (G1 for you) and welcome to my 7th review of a Shooter game. Jesus Christ, this is my first review of a Shooter game and I thought I would never play Shooter games ever. I was full of hatred about them and I don’t know why the heck. Anyway, Dudki’s has been always the guy who helped me to start the first reviews of the creators, this time is a Shooter game called Cannon Town. Physic Puzzle Games, Role Playing Platform Games, Algorithm Crew games … no, stop. I need to take a look at Shooters. One of my favorite Shooters I have played on Sploder is Cannon Town, so I wrote a review about it, to lend you a good opinion for this game and also play it if you are crazy and gamer like I am trying to be. Buttttttttt, don’t expect any good feedback. I am starting to get bored of playing.

Game: Cannon Town

Maker: Dudki

Creator: Shooter

Release Date: September 17th, 2013

Genre: Action


(Girls screaming) OMG, it’s Dudki, it’s Dudki. Yes, it’s Dudki, one of the best game makers here which I hate so much for getting a lot of features with his Platform and Puzzle Games… Nah, just kidding. You know that I love you Dudki. He is very good at RPG games and also making different story and puzzles. It seems like this is his one of his featured Shooter games and I think I am going to review it. Yes, unfortunatelly. I will waste some minutes of my life writing this. Who cares, they are just minutes. The thumbnail of the game was “cool”, the game was “awesome” and the ending was “I am not gonna lose”. The difficulty of this game is so high. You have to take a look at the map and segments in the game first to start off playing. Well, I hate this.


Before I start to talk about gameplay, I had to play “old generation” Shooter games to compare with the “new generation” Shooters. Well, the conclusions are that old games are very generic and the gameplay is very boring but the new generation consist of new puzzles, traps and a little story in the game. Cannon Town is in the middle of this 2 generations. In my opinion, the game is rushed in the meaning of things happens too fast. I think sometimes you have to calm down from doing something, but here, you just can’t close your eyes or take breath. As I said, the difficulty of this game is too high as Tookewl. I didn’t find the gameplay boring because there was some special things playing it which I never have seen them. Anyway, I think this game really puts you in a war situation with all the segments in the game. Conclusions? This game bleep … I mean rock.

Level design/Placement:

I am not quite sure if Dudki started Cannon Town as an art Shooter game or action game. They are both together in the game and made the game looks amazing. However, I expected more from this game because this new generation must have larger playfields and better gameplay. The only thing I found boring was the same place. The level design was decent, but you just have to walk in the same place, same puzzles and on the same hazards. This is not a big deal anyway. The lines and the playfield are very cool looking at them but it turns to be repetitive. Then, the opposite for the placement. Placement is great and well-thought. Buuuttt there is something very awesome and boring. You have to just sit in the corner of the playfield, and you have to wait until the cannon will kill the spider and you just pass away. Also the distance between cannons and all other stuff are great.


The only puzzles I found playing the game is how to kill enemies without getting killed and how to get all the flags. Actually, you can do a lot of things only with this 2 puzzles, but it gets boring and game gets shorter. If you have seen the walkthrough, the game is around 3-4 minutes long so it means it’s not full of puzzles that kills your brain thinking how to solve them. I didn’t get bored anyway of this, because I don’t want to waste my time thinking about them.


I’ve seen the reviews of this game and it seems they reacted to Power-ups really weird. Yes. The only power up here is the Mega health, which you extremely need it during the game. I would not beaten the game without them, because the deadly cannons will kill you. Thank Dudki for putting those Mega Health, because you would die before you click to play. The power-up placement was nice and it does not need to change or something.


Traps? I don’t think so. This is not one of those games which trap your ass. About the enemies, Cannon Town has a lot of dangerous enemies which are lethal and also has a variety of enemies which was good to me, instead of just having cannons, mortars and speeders entire game. Their placement is very good. As I said, their distance, their number are well-thought which did the game awesome to play. But, there are some places where you can die instantly so watch out.

And finally, our rating for this bleep game:

Gameplay: 4.5/5 Unexpected things happen during the gameplay, making the game more fun, just like Gates of Hell.

Puzzles: 3/5 The game needs more puzzles. It was repetitive.

Power-ups: 4/5 I would like some other power-ups during the game.

Level Design/Placement: 4/5 Sometimes it was an art game, and sometimes it was an action game.

Traps: 0/5 No traps found.

Addictiveness and Creativity: 4.5/5 Hell yeah.

FINAL RATING: 4/5. Well, this is not bad actually.

G1’s Final Thoughts:

Even though Dudki didn’t pay me for this review, I promise I will ask money for the other one, but I will double it. It was extremely fun and crazy to play this game for 1 hour and finally to beat it after watching the walkthrough like 8 times. I found this game as feature-worthy even though you read some bad comments in this review. The game is unique for how he used cannons to make all of those actions and stuff.

Anyway, as you see, I’ve changed a lot at reviewing. Please tell me if yes or not, and for good or for bad. If you want to knore more about Dudki the noob, check his profile. He has some good games to play which I will review some of them later in this year, or maybe on 2014.

It smells like this review is done. Ce ya.


Cannon Town Reviewed by gerald123 on Saturday, November 30th 2013. Yay, Cannons! - Review #7 - A game review written by gerald123 for the game 'Cannon Town' by dudki. Rating: 4