[MR] Lots Of Obstacles

Review by jfurey14 on Tuesday, July 5th 2011
Click to play Eject

Eject is a game created by elroysice

This is Miracle Reviews, where we might just see a Miracle Game.


Elroy has always been a top-notch game maker, and I know that ship is his best. Little did I know that this game would be a robot, I was ready to play.


To start off, I read the comments, as I do with every game, and I see roosters post, "Easy, Short game!". That gives me an idea... and also Deathleaf posted, "darn time limit, so close...", and that gave me an idea that it has a time limit. Well, guess what? I was right. This game is an action packed game with no puzzles, except for one at the end. This game is not about puzzle, or an RPG, but it's about action. 100% hard core action. Everywhere you are, there are turrets, cannons, robots, you name it. It is hard, and that's what you want in a game. The time limit makes this game a rush too, so you don't know how long its taken you to finish 2 keys or so. I think that the boss rooms could use a lot of fixing, but the scenery with the weak walls and obstacles looked great. They also worked like they were supposed too. As I said in the title, there are a lot of obstacles. This game was great because it was just my type of game, fast, and packed with action. I'll tell you how good this game is.

Well, to start off, you are in a little chamber, and you have to beat some enemy fences blah blah blah. C'mon Elroy, beginnings are supposed to be awesome! This was total cliche. But, it pays off, and has the only good boss battle, with two good robots, and a blue key. This was great because most of my damage was dealt at that point, and that's what a time limit wants to look like. After this, is a little main box with 3 paths. One to the crystal and flags, one to the next key, and the other to the key after that. So, of course, I go to the next key, but get more damage dealt to all of the enemies, I dodge as much as I can, and I beat the key no problem. The one thing that I didn't like there was the fact that there was really no enemies by the key, so I didn't have to do anything except saw it and FIR MA LAZOR!!1!!1!. So, after this, it's basicially the same deal except for a mega-health, and then another easy key battle. Now, I don't want to spoil the best part of this game, so you have to play from there. Note that I did beat the game. :D


Well, overall, I expected a bit more from Elroy, but overall this game was a normal game, maybe a bit over average, but I do think that this game was fun because of how quick and action packed it was.


Well, I really did like the fact that this game had enemies everywhere, and I think it didn't have to have puzzles, but the boss battles need to be more action packed like the main part of the game.


Action- 5/5

Puzzle- 2/5

Placement- 4/5

Overall, this game is 3.7. Nice game elroy, but make it better.