[MR] Oh Crud. Another Thug.

Review by jfurey14 on Tuesday, August 2nd 2011
Click to play Lost Dreams

Lost Dreams is a game created by sack

This is Miracle Reviews, where we might just see a Miracle Game


Well, Sack has had some ups and downs in his plats, mainly a lot of copying, so lets hope that this one wont be like that, because using the same thing too many times makes a game darn boring.


Ugh, another thug. This game is filled with thugs, at least 15. It's way to many, and it made this game boring, because there were no puzzles, just lots of thugs and that type of stuff that you don't want to see in a good game. I wasn't impressed because I was expecting some pretty good puzzles, but didn't find any. That was a real let down, because I know that Sack has produced some beast games, but tends to use too many thugs. This makes some of his games predictable, which is not something you want to see because you don't want to have that in every game, and I think that this game was just like any other of Sacks normal games, and trust me, I've played a lot of his games. The good things about this game though was that the gameplay was smooth, there was no lag, and the placement was wonderful. I just didn't think that this game was a show stopper, and not a game that I would recommend to play, because of how boring it got, sorry Sack, but this isn't gonna be a good one.

Well, I am partly surprized, but now you can see what I'm talking about in the gameplay. Well, you start by a key door, and a thug. Oh great, I know what I'm in for. I go down the path, more thugs! And guess what? The 2 only enemies that weren't thugs in this game. Bats that were pourly placed. I don't like this Sack! You need your enemies to stand out and work like a charm! After this, it was just a little thing that was easy, and only a few things were good from here. The end was okay, at least some scenery. There were two paths, and some signs that told you where to go. I don't know if you would call that scenery, but what the heck. Anyways, to get the game. On the key path, there were 4 thugs. Nothing else, it was just plain terrible. I didn't think that this was right, because Sack should've thought of placing to many thugs by now. Well, on the other path, there were 2 thugs, so it was better, but still bad. It seems like Sack rushed through this game hoping to get a random feature, but he did fail. Sorry Sack, but because you had to many thugs, this game wasn't right.


Well, not impressed, bad game, I didn't think that this game could've made any impact on anybody, except for people that are in love with thugs.


Get rid of thugs, put in snarleys, bosses, who knows! Just please, in your next game, think, "Well, no thugs. No thugs". This doesn't mean that you put in all bats or snarleys now, just get rid of thugs.


Action- 0/5

Puzzles- 1/5

Gameplay- 3/5

Placement- 2.5/5

Overall, this game gets a 1.6. This game wasn't a show stopper, must less as a good game. Nice try Sack.