[MR] Unexpected Outcomes...

Review by jfurey14 on Thursday, March 31st 2011
Click to play The Dungeon

The Dungeon is a game created by sceptile27514

This is Miracle Reviews, where we might see a miracle review.


I know nothing about who this member is, and how good his/her games are. I'm looking forward to this game, because I want to see if I might just see something great...


Usually I wont review 3d games, but I got far enough to review this game. This game is a 9 level game and the goal is to destroy the reactor. I got I think to the 7th level? I don't know, but I'll give the main summary of the levels, because some were the same, and some were different, but I'll try my best to make a great review for a great game. I've said enough, and it's ready for the main review.

This game starts off with a simple choose. You go through some hot acid to get a gun, or just go on. I choose to move on. The main summary of this level is a perfect ammount of action, okay placement, and some puzzle. I think that the code doors were well placed, and I think that he really thought everything out well. I was not exactly sure if he tried to do scenery? But at least he tried. I wasn't proud of the scenery, it was that bad. But I think that he had great traps with the pullers, and that really caught me throughout the game. By caught me, I mean literally caught me and splodeed out my damage. Great placement there. The enemies were mainly PoBots, the lazer pink people, and the gray bomb bot. They were well placed, except for a few places where there were like 3 enemies scattered, and you could walk around that. Make sure you catch on to those things Sceptile! Those will catch you.

Now on to the health placement which was very bad. Every 3 levels, you'd find a room with 2 guns, 2 healths, an invisible, and an atomic. This just let me run through the level without taking any damage. He definitely should've made the health placement better, because the placement was horrid, and ruined part of the game. But the puzzles and action made me think less about the health placement. I know the requirments for a featured game because I was an editor, so I know that this game had qualitites that a featured game needs. Sceptile, you should be very proud. The puzzles, and placement met my requirments for a featured game. The traps were wonderful, and the puller things gave this game a twist. This game had the scenery of a blob... but that's nothing to be not proud of. Scenery is not the biggest effect in 3d, it's the gameplay that counts here. I don't want to give away much summary, but I'll say this.

About 1/2 of the levels are a great mixture of action, and puzzle. The doors are well placed throughout the whole level, picking different puzzles like the mini sudoku, the word puzzle, and the line puzzle. I think that he did a great job spreading these out, only using a proper ammount of each door. That's great. Each of those levels usually obtained a secret bot... but not all the time. He used the splodeing on the special levels though, and those levels stood out. They usually have their own little twist, like having a different scenery, a little surprise, and a great door placement. I did get to about the 7 to 8 level mark, but not the last one. I hope to play this game again, but win. Sceptile, you should be proud, because you stunned me. That was a great game, and I rarely say that to people that I have no clue about. Great job. I would like to see more from you in the future.


The one major disappointment in this game was the health placement, because in some parts the health was overused by a lot. The action, placement, and puzzle was great, and doesn't need to be changed. This score ~would've~ got a 5/5, but the health placement didn't really meat my requirments. Nice job dude!


I say that you should never EVER judge a game maker by his personality, because they might just make a great game, as I always say, we might just see a miracle. That's why MR was made, to give new members a chance to share their games that could have a future, like this one.


Action- 5/5

Puzzle- 5/5

Placement- 5/5

Overall, this game recieves a 4.5 out of 5. Read My-Thoughts again. To every editor, this game was feature worthy, and I think that you should play this. It is very entertaining, and will make you make an :O face. That's how good this game is. Great job Sceptile.