Today: Review Assignment 3

Review by master106 on Thursday, July 28th 2016
Click to play Assignment 3

Assignment 3 is a game created by itsfilipesir

Hey, Master106 here, bringing you another review. This time I will review Assignment 3 by itsfilipesir. Which I believe he is new to this website since his only activity I see on his profile is this game. The game was a pretty good attempt for a first game. Which the game is called Assignment 3, I do not know where the 3 comes from, since I don't see any games to come before it. Unlike most members on here; he actually made a better game than most people for their first game. Though what begs the question, is the game even feature worthy? Well someone thought it was good enough to earn a feature since it got on the feature page. But this is what I think about the game.

Let's start off with the art and scenery shall we? Okay, I have to be completely honest with you, I do not like the scenery in this game and it almost turned me away from this game. The scenery just looks bland and boring to me. It makes me think that the designer of this game could've made it look a bit better. The game just looks slapped together really fast and does not look like that the creator even cared for this game. The game's lack of feel just kills the game a lot, it may cost him a fair share points.

Now to talk about the gameplay and concept of the game. It has a simple concept that utilizes the electromagnet attribute from the Physics Puzzle Game Maker. He does bring you new ideas as you go along into the game, but I do not think it was that fleshed out of a concept and I just think he could have done more to it. The gameplay could've been better as well. It has you do simple tasks to get to a certain point, which is a dot in this game. A basic formula to a game. In the game you have to use the electromagnet to get through each section. I did like what he did at some points, but that only brought me a smile and that's it. When you fail, the game only brings you a small annoyance. The game should make me care, but it goes downhill on doing so.

The game just starts you off without explanation or backstory, you don't need a story for a game, but it would've been nice to know what is going on in the game. In fact it did leave me confused a little at times. These are just small nitpicks though.

I don't think this game is that good at all. I puzzle as to whomever featured it saw in the game that I didn't. I don't think it is feature worthy, but why listen to me? I'm not even an editor! These are just my opinions though.

I guess that ends this review. Here's my last thoughts:

Pros Of The Game:

Nice Concept

Cons Of The Game:

Overall game-play

Concept not fully developed

Dull and Boring art and scenery

Can get a little confusing here and there

Scoring Of Game:

Game-Play - 5/10

Art and Scenery - 3/10

Playability - 5/10

Difficulty - 7/10

Challenges and Puzzles - 55/100

Score Overall - 5/10

So the final score is a 5/10. It could have been more, but it just falls short. See you guys! This is Master106 and piece!


Assignment 3 Reviewed by master106 on Thursday, July 28th 2016. Today: Review Assignment 3 - A game review written by master106 for the game 'Assignment 3' by itsfilipesir. Rating: 2.5