Fun Is The Word

Review by mat7772 on Friday, May 23rd 2014
Click to play Melonheads

Melonheads is a game created by npc10000

Fun. Does anybody even know how much that word actually means in game making today? Made a mind boggling concept, but it's not fun? Doesn't matter. Made an exceptional top notch feature worthy, or EGL worthy, game in your eyes, but it lacks "fun"? Doesn't matter, talk to the hand. In this review, however, we shall explore the word "fun" further until it is dissected and put back together.

Firstly NPC is an okay game maker, I've played some of his games and they always seem to be enjoyable, but somewhat lacking in the presentation department, so they do look sloppy. I must say that I don't exactly know him as a game maker, but rather a fellow fisherman.

Moving on

Melonheads is a game that no matter how bad or good your are at playing games, you'll be able to make a decent amount of progress on. The ten(ish) storey building provides a great amount of action, puzzles, traps and FUN! All of the storeys are well thought out, each providing a puzzle, trap or action scene you'll need to solve. Then you will go on to the next storey and repeat the same procedure. It never gets boring, and it's always fun!

What I really think ties the whole game together is the scenery and graphics. The crazy mutant balloon heads looked VERY creepy and they do resemble the "Melonheads". The pictures on the walls look amazing, the very first being two normal humans. At the time I thought "oh, that's pretty neat" but then I moved on climbing the tower, and there were the melonheads in the picture frames. The attention to detail is great, I really did feel like at first I was entering a crazy orphanage of sort (the blood splatter gave it away) and that continued all the way throughout the game.

Ah, the paragraph we've all been waiting for. FUN. A mind blowing puzzle won't matter if it's not fun, just like Melonheads wouldn't matter if it wasn't fun. However, that's not the case. I define fun as "not boring, but beyond the level of good", so if I have the urge to get out of the game I'm playing, then you've failed the task of making the game fun and your game is a complete failure.

My only complaint is that the game did feel a little short sided, meaning the experience is all over in 2-3 minutes. I also felt like the scenery at first could have been taller and wilder, resembling some sort of overgrown forest. Despite that, I had the urge to come back to this game, and I wanted to review it to say a congratulations to NPC.

Melonheads: 4.5/5


-Great use of action, puzzles and traps

-Amazing use of scenery and graphics

-Attention to detail



-A little short sided

-Should of made the forest crazier (very very minor complaint)