[EGD] A Revisit To Mr.Snake-eeeee

Review by moolatycoon on Wednesday, August 29th 2012
Click to play Riding The Snake The Sequel

Riding The Snake The Sequel is a game created by probe5

Yo yo yo, I'm back with more social problems, wasted time, and of course, reviews. A couple reviews ago, I took on Probe's game Riding the Snake. This is the sequel. I found many flaws in his game, and hopefully he fixed him here. Probe has been known for making games with a complex yet simple ideal, this game is no exception. The game really revolves around riding a switch "snake" without falling into lava or any other hazard that may sit below you. Probe turned this idea into his entire game. Clever, but it did not hold much content the first time around. Has he accomplished cramming more content into his game?

Before I start the review, let me say that Probe has done much improving since his first game. Several elements were fixed and a simple storyline was added. I feel like going with a positive sammich today. The biggest thing I noticed he made an effort to do was the use of the snake(s). Yes, he added multiple snakes to each level, I like that because you weren't droning on with the same snake wondering where it would end. Anyways, back to the clever use of his snakes, he used other objects such as windmills and blocks to complicate the process. He was able to create a time limited puzzle that implicated platforming but still was able to focus on the snake itself. Sometimes you had to destroy blocks or jump over spikes to continue. I will comment him on how clever that was. His puzzles were pretty original considering I haven't seen any other games where the main focus is riding a snake switch.

Yes, there must be negatives, no game is perfect. I found that this game came off as rather tedious and sloppy. While Probe was innovative and clever, I really just didn't have fun while playing this game and it was so unforgiving I barely had to try again after losing. If you mess up once there is absolutely no way you can try again with out losing the entire game. That and I just saw a bunch of blocks strewn about. It doesn't make for nice look or gameplay value. I really felt the game lacked in gameplay material and addictiveness.

Positive tiemmmmm :D This game had a creative and original concept, there aren't too many games like that out there? If this was executed better I could have seen EGL but away from the negatives Probe was able to turn something simplistic into something complex and well done. The design was pretty good and executed properly. The overall level design was done well and that is what I think merited him that feature. Nice job on that aspect Probe


Innovation ____/_____:

Puzzles ___.5/_____:

Gameplay __/_____:

Block Placement _.5/_____:

Concept ___/_____:

Level Design ___/_____:

Overall ___/_____:


Sorry if this review was shorter than others, there really wasn't much to talk about. Going more on the game, Probe, you have improved much from the first one but you still have much to work on for Number Three, the feature was well earned though.


Riding The Snake The Sequel Reviewed by moolatycoon on Wednesday, August 29th 2012. [EGD] A Revisit To Mr.Snake-eeeee - A game review written by moolatycoon for the game 'Riding The Snake The Sequel' by probe5. Rating: 3