The Volcano...and A Great Experience

Review by mshaafay on Tuesday, June 12th 2012
Click to play Volcanic Prison

Volcanic Prison is a game created by linklock

A long time away from reviewing could easily take me mentally off the scene. However, I am returning to reviewing to a very overdue review (that I was supposed to do a month ago, tee hee). At any case, the Volcanic Prison I encountered was..very warm to being fun. Close it was to amusement, lets review, eh?

Lets introduce the name of the volcano...

Volcanic Prison! Who is linklock? A user...duh. He makes games-like this good one. I dont know much of this guy-this is just the second game I played of his, but heck, it was quite fun (and easy). Hardly known, he specializes in simple platformers, at least from this game's point of, a game doesn't have eyes but yet my eyes were amazed! Now to actually talk about the game? Yesh.

Magma-tic Results

~The volcano You ride up a volcano. Is it fun? You like the immense challenge and soaring hazardous lava could take your deterring mind to the next level. Linklock didn't exactly portray the feeling. Nevertheless, it was a decent try, since with simple blocks and lava, he got some deal with me (yup, some deal that you are reading C=). That wasn't all, he put to use the undeniable door keys from the start, ahead to the end. Moreover, he employed a 'Collect the weapon to break the blocks ' concept along with the fact that the keys are found there. A quite overused but decent employee (yes, its a hard working one :D)

~Paint the magma...~ Now, why paint magma green? Now that's just crazy seeing as we all have somethin' going on our heads. That's the point! Scenery in this game was entertaining. He applied colored back walls and matching tiles. That was enough. It sincerely matched the lava amidst the brownish-orangish-yellowish-all similar colorish. There wasn't much to say on the scenry as the fact that it was simple and not much of description needed. However, I can add that it was in 8bit, which could deter the vision but yet, it could reduce lag linklock must have encountered.

~Challenging Vulcano? NAAAWP~ Now challenge me to climb the I meant Volcanic Prison! I have made the point. It wasn't a challenge. As though to sweat on it, he stressed on health and lives. This made the game too easy for a the complete lively experience it was meant to bring. 4 lives at the start was enough but more than 8 lives through out the game? This is placed as the biggest drawback in the gameplay. Now THAT wasn't nice lava that's nice and cool (or warm or hot or even -77786798698 degrees Celsius!)

~To see the whole crater~ It was fun. He got his shoes running on many plates of tectonic activity, erupting quite some potential. However, he shouldn't have made it too easy.

I smell a Rat...Rat...Ratings and a Ad...Ad...Advantage and its red fiery opposite

I would give this quite sophisticating points (of lava and amazing magma-tic results!!!)

The red Rat

Gameplay: 6/10

Placment: 9/10 (It was decent enough.)

Effort; 3.2/5

Replayness: 3/10 (Honest and Fiery!)

The Ads and the red fiery opposite





-Too Easy

-Not too addictive [:(]

Overall: ____/_____

The lava trip is over! I escaped and its back home for me!!


Volcanic Prison Reviewed by mshaafay on Tuesday, June 12th 2012. The Volcano...and A Great Experience - A game review written by mshaafay for the game 'Volcanic Prison' by linklock. Rating: 4