The Art War is Over

By neal :: Saturday November 1st, 2008

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You fought bravely in the war. Now it is over, here are the people who fought in it.------Art Side------GERNERAL: Khill COMANDER: Neal HEAD OFFICER: Rule60 SECRET AGENT: And1z360 CHIEF: PLANNING Walrusman SECRET AGENT 2: Gronny WEAPON CREATER: Kaister HEAD SOLDIER: Luba19 ATTACK AGENT: Jammyt2 WEAPON MANAGER: Redzplay008 OUTFIT DESIEGNER: Cutegamemaker911 HEAD SOLDIER: Artgamemaker Bomb Creator: tourt4 CHIEF OF POLICE: Timmyman DECISION MAKER: Norcko MASK MURDER: Clight TROOP LEADER: Crunchynut------Art Hater Side------ GENERAL: Darut1234 COMANDER: Obeliskos HEAD DISISION MAKER: Geoff TALKER: Checkthepan BLACK MAILER: Gameraterz SPY: Lahdeedah TROOP LEADER: Maxliam ARMOR DESIENER: Tookewl PLAN CREATOR: Trioaero COMANDER OF FIGHTING: Wxg58. If you think you should be on this list just leave a comment saying witch side you were voting for, you didn’t have to fight to be on the list. So stop arguing about a dumb fight about art games. And make some games!!!


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