Baby It's Cold Outside!

Review by probe5 on Thursday, January 8th 2015
Click to play Polar Plunge

Polar Plunge is a game created by futuremillionare

Oh ho ho! It's me the one, the only probe, reviewing a COOL game! Yes I have returned so let's get this review of Polar Plunge by futuremillionare started!


Futuremillionare seems to be wanting to be a millionaire in the future, (No duh Probe come on!) Right, so I've never really played any of his games before this one and I don't really have any social contact with him whatsoever. When I looked at his profile, he has 8 features, so he has the gaming skills, but is he gonna top it with this one? Well it does have the interesting title and a thumbnail that looks to be rather cold and thrilling. A nice winter game just in time for the Polar Vortex in parts of the United States at this moment. So grab your coats and mittens, because this review will be a chilly one!

Main view

Brrr! That's some cold stuff! Gameplay wise, it was epic. The tutorial brought me right into it! And every level had a new concept that arose out of the ice, and into my screen that I was about to punch because I was not good at it! Its a good concept, with gravity laws, and sometimes even defying the laws of gravity you have to to click on blocks and get to the what looks like a crystal to end the level. Simple you may think, but it doesn't get much easier after level 1. And your character is a fish, or penguin, or something of the polar variety? Uhm I'll just call you Bill. Either way, I am impressed with gameplay elements and the concept.

Looking at the scenery of this game, I kinda stopped playing and looked to see if my heater was on, or if I was crazy. I did this multiple times because sometimes it felt like you were in Antarctica just by playing this game and looking at the environment. Yes I know it is a 16-bit game on a small screen, but do you think Super Mario World could've done better? Well maybe, but future was pretty darn close to that. The good graphics had me in awe, but there's one question. Where is the ice scenery AND physics? I mean you see water with sharks in them and I don't think sharks are in frozen parts, and if they were, I don't think there'd be any humans living in frozen climates. But I found that terrible that I couldn't solve any puzzles with ice, it could have spiced the game up more.

And this is the part where I talk about the chilling puzzles in this game. The puzzles in this game were really fun to solve. The major factor was timing. Timing was everything in order to advance further. Clicking the blocks to the right structure to where our friend, Bill can go through with ease and using timing to avoid hazards such as snowballs. Such a beautiful way to implement puzzles. Like I said though, I found it disappointing that there was no ice physics, yet there was water. Not saying that it's a bad thing, just maybe you can do that in the sequel. Also one flaw I had was moving of poor Bill. As he went down slopes and up frozen trampolines, passing dangerous spikes, sometimes I got stuck. Nearly towards the end of Level 1 I had trouble getting to the end because I couldn't move and start over again. It's like a car stuck in the ditch in a blizzard. Even with the mouse that Bill had to follow could not make it advance. Poor Bill just isn't feeling it today! It was just a minor annoyance that I found is all.

The placement and structure of the game was okay. I mean you had the removable blocks to set up just right, or you screwed it up and plenty of other things that were just as awesome as a sundae supreme, yes. But one level in particular was larger than the others and I had to constantly click on Bill in order to not have him/her/it go off screen restarting the level. This isn't future's fault, its just a flaw in the PPG, but I got really frustrated at that. Other than that though, everything was set and moved just as any other game would, with a few minor errors, but we all can't make perfect games! I also liked the placement of traps, like the snowballs and spikes. They really didn't annoy me, but yet I kept losing because of them. It was really hard yet simple placement in later levels. AND THEM SHARKS THOUGH! Man they were good, I thought it was Frozen Jaws everytime I went into the water!! Grrr I shall conquer you one day sharks!!







-Annoying lack of movement of character

-Some minor placements (And I mean VERY minor)

-No creative ice physics

Well More pros than cons always mean a good thing and the last one I put there just because I want ice physics NAO!!1!


Gameplay: ____.5/_____

Scenery: ____/_____

Puzzles/traps: ___.5/_____

Placements: ___.5/_____

Overall: ___.9/_____

After View

You know, playing this game for fun really makes you enjoy the aspects of winter and snow with all the COOL puzzles and refreshing gameplay elements. If you kids ever have a snow day, or perhaps cool you down for people viewing this in the Southern Hemisphere, or you just have nothing to do with your life, then grab yourself a nice mug of hot cocoa and play this chilling game of the season! Also I'll miss you most of all Bill! :( Until next time, this is probe5, signing off!


Polar Plunge Reviewed by probe5 on Thursday, January 8th 2015. Baby It's Cold Outside! - A game review written by probe5 for the game 'Polar Plunge' by futuremillionare. Rating: 3