Is The Pencil Mighter Than The Sword?

Review by rocketeer on Sunday, January 15th 2012
Click to play Tomb of Solace

Tomb of Solace is a game created by jcaldwell

Review of Tomb of Solace by Jcaldwell

Within a mystical primeval cavern, I felt appalled as I stared into the depths of the abyss, a solemn vibe pounding at my skeletal fingers as a soothing melody resonated against the background. I felt right at home, as if I was still playing my Super Nintendo at the crack of night. An awe-inspiring presentation by Jcaldwell, who I shall praise, has never disheartened me when it came to his blustery library of exhilarating games. This newly dabbled novel seemed to holler for attention and quickly did it thrust me into its wild and ferocious seas.

With a rusty steel axe and dented chisel, I began to carve away at the structure. Its presentation which I uncovered was to say the least not a marvel but quite standard, standing in shape with the prehistoric theme. Considerate touches of sculptures and spider webs allowed me to admire the work placed into the game. The tiles were menacing but its grime and dirt filled appearance allowed me to comprehend that I was in fact a stiff and rigid working archaeologist, painting a tale for me without the use of words.

Blatant traps might deceive the eyes, with just a slight gesture or blunder; the player will subsequently melt into dirt pudding. Don’t plunge too rapidly into conquest for sets of nifty lava pits lay fittingly below your droopy dangling feet. Adversaries frequently surge from thin air the moment the player takes a well defined stroke at a switch, all prepped to obliterate the eager participant which very unfortunately is the player. Switches *holds breath* also serve as snares, all used as a ploy to dunk the player into the magma ditch.

Reflectively, after one is able to grasp the abundance of traps in the game, one begins to notice that the puzzles aren’t much as obvious. Puzzles seem to be ingrained into the structure of the game itself, giving formation for virtually every perception of the game. Unassuming occurrence such as switches seem to have a deep impact on the progress, converting what previously was unthinkable become unblemished in plain sight. What I find uncanny about Tomb of Solace is that its design structure is tremendously based off of its puzzles, something which I found unique.

I watched as the birds outside my shallow window cherish every bite of the grown apples in my lawn. Needless to say, such a heart-breaking experience would soon follow me as I played this game. Having Mogols woefully thrashing down a set of stairs, attempting to escape slaughter by the player himself can be annoying and a bit aggravating, not to mention the archer who constantly inches himself towards the wall, inflicting blows which blasts the player across the room. To be blunt, the enemy placement at first was ruthless. Bats which were placed in a constricted area surrounded by lava served themselves by committing repeated acts by impulsively driving the player into the boiling goo, snickering as the player suffers through agonizing 3rd degree burns. Despite such intolerable acts, enemy placement manages to greatly improve as one progresses, ranging from several bombshells such as enemies blasting down from the ceiling to a seemingly badly placed archer who in reality actually plays a vital role in the game.

A spark of ingenuity is thankfully still left untouched. Granted, the majority of the game felt like a regular routine, a game filled with habitual traps and puzzles which are already employed by a myriad of users. Progressing with each thump of the heart, just as I thought I had seen all Tomb of Solace had to offer, Jcaldwell managed to show off a clever tactic, especially when I encountered a roomful of rocketing steamers, all ready to dispatch the first man up to the moon. With the labor done by the brawn steamers, both man and enemy are able to float in mid-air, engaging in air combat, something which could revolutionize all conflicts to come.

Game Design/Structure: 4/5

Presentation: 4/5

Enemy Placement/Hazards: 2/5

Traps/Puzzles: 5/5

Creativity: 5/5

Final Score: 20/25

Tomb of Solace grips the essentials of the game making industry although its single necessity is to hone on positioning foes, one element which if fixed would enormously enhance the game’s experience. Now for the ever so blessed question, “Is Tomb of Solace Feature Worthy?” That’s a durable question but I would not be an inch bewildered if Tomb of Solace with its mind-numbing traps and complicated game structure earns it a shard of fame. With those words, it was a pleasure to review Tomb of Solace, I am Rocketeer, thanks for reading.


Tomb of Solace Reviewed by rocketeer on Sunday, January 15th 2012. Is The Pencil Mighter Than The Sword? - A game review written by rocketeer for the game 'Tomb of Solace' by jcaldwell. Rating: 4